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  1. I

    Feature Allow print_html to print output to the session log

    Not sure if this is a bug or a feature request, but basically print will write to the session log, while print_html doesn't. Generally as a rule, scripts use print_html to print spammy stuff, stuff that you don't really care to see in session log. But sometimes it's still you do want to see...
  2. I

    Bug Chat scripts are not run in a thread safe manner

    Yeah, the worst part is that I even rewrote the post a few times to make it more understandable. I have a real problem with communicating my thoughts.
  3. I

    Bug Chat scripts are not run in a thread safe manner

    Not what I was getting at sorry. Here's an error I got yesterday, but the thing is. I have no idea why this error happened. My chat script should never have reached the state where it'd hit the modifiers. Which is why I'm reluctant to post it. Because I can't say why it got to that state...
  4. I

    Bug Chat scripts are not run in a thread safe manner

    Chat and gCLI are run in different threads, and are not thread safe. Which is a non-issue, until we introduce the chat script functionality. If asked I could whip up something to reproduce this. But generally that would just be a chat script spamming a pref modification while a script in gCLI...
  5. I

    Bug Using a macro with Replace Enemy + Use the Force = Wrong enemy saved in preferences

    I don't think this is actually fixable to be clear, I'm reporting it so it's known. I created this PR to track powerful glove as it wasn't obvious to me what was going originally. But basically, you can see in the snippet in the spoiler that I executed a macro that would cast replace enemy...
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    Bug Tests on kolmafia using Calendar are implemented incorrectly

    Eh. Looking at the implementation of the cleanup method, I'm not too sure on that. It specifically overrides methods that returns other timezones
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    Bug JUnit tests are not tested in a random order

    I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but JUnit does not (At least on my local copy) run the tests in a random manner. I'm not really the best to talk about it, but while trying to track down an issue with a memory leak in LockableListModel (More visible elements than there are elements) I...
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    Bug Tests on kolmafia using Calendar are implemented incorrectly

    The following tests use Calendar and consistently fails when I run them. canDetectHoliday() obtainOysterEggOnWrongDay() obtainOysterEggOnWrongDayAndWithoutBasket() The reason for this is that the timezones of the test runner are not taken into account...
  9. I

    Feature - Rejected Add fallback choice support

    Because the default distribution of mafia doesn't come with said script. There's a lot of choices that players hit and are highly situational. There's also no purpose built way to pick one then the other without each player having to create and modify a script. And for some reason, I think...
  10. I

    Bug - Won't Fix Maximizer treats "mus experience percent" and "muscle experience percent" differently.

    I fully expect more people to be confused at "mus experience percent" not working, like I was. But yeah, looking into why it be like that, I see I misunderstood how the expressions are registered. Still don't like the design much, but it sounds like a hassle to correct for little gain.
  11. I

    Bug - Won't Fix Maximizer treats "mus experience percent" and "muscle experience percent" differently.

    Oh! I see what happened. I did the shorthand mus experience percent which is "valid" but tries to buff muscle instead. Edited this from a feature request to a bug report.
  12. I

    Bug - Won't Fix Maximizer treats "mus experience percent" and "muscle experience percent" differently.

    Using mus experience percent attempts to buff your muscle, and is not the same thing as muscle experience percent Previous message in spoiler, I misunderstood and thought a bug was intended behavior. As such, changed this to a bug report instead of a feature report.
  13. I

    Feature - Rejected Add fallback choice support

    Given the difficulties in it, I'd say the GUI largely remains the same for setting the options. So you can only pick one of each, not use the utility of this directly. As for displaying those, mafia would just turn the property into a comma separated list. 0, 3, 5,6 => "Turn in Stone, or Turn...
  14. I

    Feature - Rejected Add fallback choice support

    Would like to get some feedback if this is worthwhile for me to take a poke at
  15. I

    Feature - Implemented Zap Returns Item Created

    This appears to have now been implemented in
  16. I

    Feature - Rejected Add fallback choice support

    If your choice preference is choiceAdventure40 = 1 then we know it will pick choice 1, and if choice 1 is not available, your automated turns will abort. Sometimes you have choices that are not always available, such as the June Cleaver skips which are limited to 5/day, or the Engorged Sausages...
  17. I

    Feature Add option to log CLI output to file

    This also seems to be a repeat of this request. @Crowther I see you have used Mirror in scripts before, I'd like to get your opinion on this. I've opened a Pull Request here although I've marked it as a draft. If the mirror command is actively used, then this should probably be a new command...
  18. I

    Feature Add option to log CLI output to file

    Because session doesn't log all CLI output and sometimes it's useful to know exactly what was printed in CLI, especially when you're confused on something that happened (eg, a script made a choice and printed why it made said choice) Also, it can be easier to read the CLI output instead of the...
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    Combat Locket - What monsters do you lack?

    You're probably done, the script can't tell what's copyable or not. I'll add these to the no-wish!
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    Feature Add option to log CLI output to file

    So just had a thought. Should the mirror command be printing out exactly what's in gcli? I notice it seems to be printing out what's written at different steps, which obviously means the final comparison are not the same. Mostly just html formatting. Which is another thing, it doesn't let you...