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  1. I

    Feature historical_price does not update on mall extinct items, can not load -1

    Actually, looked at the script in question. Putting it at 0 may actually break libram. libram expects it to be -1 if its mall extinct.
  2. I

    Feature historical_price does not update on mall extinct items, can not load -1

    Ah, I hadn't considered that aspect. Probably should be reset to 0 then, which should sort that out. I find it interesting that mall price and historical price differ in that aspect, unreasonably so in my opinion. Although -1 makes sense, I don't see a real reason we can't use 0. Historical...
  3. I

    Feature historical_price does not update on mall extinct items, can not load -1

    Yeah, I'm aware of the coldfront stuff. Which is where I'm pulling data for the volume etc. The main difference is that this is distributed as a file so that individual users are not hitting coldfront. I think the main difference in your perspective with mine, is that I'm thinking in a...
  4. I

    Bug - Fixed appearance_rates(location, false) doesn't take combat modifiers into account

    So appearance_rates.none will reflect the chance of hitting a non-combat, which makes sense. What doesn't make is the difference between these two outputs. I am running -25 combat. > ash appearance_rates($location[The Jungles of Ancient Loathing], false) Returned: aggregate float [monster]...
  5. I

    Feature historical_price does not update on mall extinct items, can not load -1

    Is this a bug or feature? This is marked as a feature rather than a bug as this could be intended behavior, just that it hadn't considered a future with mall extinction. First Issue When an item is mall extinct (or only 4 is available), then mall_price will return -1 Edit: I was wrong, an...
  6. I

    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

    Yeah, let me know if you're interested in making that mafia pr otherwise I'll eventually do it in the next week or so when I'm feeling inspired. I feel like this should be pretty simple, and easy to make tests for. The grandpa text always triggers and isn't special the first time. So getting...
  7. I

    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

    Oh! I see what you mean, yeah. That does sound somewhat important.. I'll mark it as a draft for now, detection of the state should be as simple as listening to grandpa, or detecting a twinkle on the beach. I'll leave the PR as a draft until we get that sorted.
  8. I

    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

    I'm not sure what you're referring to here. When I say "sand" I mean sand that doesn't have a twinkle. The common & rare does. And yeah, I see twinkles in my script and I don't assume there's more to twinkles or not than is known. I use the twinkles to identify comb targets.
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    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing, although pending approval
  10. I

    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

    Because I had some power cuts, this isn't as reliable as I like. I didn't auto restart the bot. But firstly, tiles are not reset at rollover. I also believe that waves don't reset them, though I never verified it. The uncommon sparkles are confirmed to have reset on the minute mark. I didn't...
  11. I

    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

    To clarify, I think my current efforts is probably mostly treading your ground. But I already got my setup automated, so :D
  12. I

    BeachComber - fast and efficient beach combing

    Oh hey, I didn't realize you were already doing this too. I started on approx the 2nd of Sep. So I wrote my own script from scratch and the goal of that was to be self sustaining with it sitting in 2crs for a cheap diet. It's written as a standalone nodejs script which is half janky as it was...
  13. I

    Bug Prevent swing popups from stealing focus

    Popups from scripts, sorry. User_confirm()
  14. I

    Bug Prevent swing popups from stealing focus

    I think declining input for a second or two would be best, and the easiest to implement. Worst comes to it, just make it an opt-out/in. A history of inputs, it sounds good? But at the same time, it sounds meaningless. It'd be up to the script themselves to say what was done, which is generally...
  15. I

    Bug Prevent swing popups from stealing focus

    I'm on Windows 10, and I'm not sure if this is an issue elsewhere but sometimes mafia has a popup box appear for one reason or another. This is normally fine, but sometimes I'm typing in CLI or mafia's chat or sometimes I'm not even using mafia as my active window and I'm typing in another...
  16. I

    Feature - Implemented Persistent command history / control history size

    I'm assuming you are including parameters in this? Perhaps just use \n newline character? Doesn't sound like a newline should be something that we can expect to see in a command. An escaped newline, sure.
  17. I

    Feature - Implemented Persistent command history / control history size Command history has a size of 20, which means you can execute 20 commands before it'll start forgetting stuff. Two thoughts So I had two thoughts about this, the first is a...
  18. I

    Feature - Implemented Items placed in flea market are not tracked as removed from inventory

    Created a PR: