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  1. dapanda

    Feature - Implemented Time-Spinner

    Thank you!
  2. dapanda

    Feature - Implemented Time-Spinner

    Hi Guys, Was there ever a plan to use the gCLI to access the Time-Spinner's "Adventure Way Back in Time" option? Or even a script someone had thought up? I tried a few variations with the ASH script like: cli_execute("use 1 Time-Spinner"); visit_url("choice.php?pwd&whichchoice=1195&option=3")...
  3. dapanda

    Feature - Implemented ASH command(s) for Numberology

    Hi guys, Is this something that is pending or is it something that we shouldn't expect?
  4. dapanda

    Amount of a particular item left in Mall

    It is funny you mention that as that was kinda already my plan. :)
  5. dapanda

    Amount of a particular item left in Mall

    I finally did it. The script was very simple and then it needed to be export to a spreadsheet program. I was able to get a total number of each IoTM/IoTY remaining I was missing. One nice side affect is that it told me at that exact moment how much real world money I would need to have to...
  6. dapanda

    Amount of a particular item left in Mall

    I updated my previous post to be clearer (store was replaced with Mall). That is my thought also. I have the script I am just worried that it may get me in trouble
  7. dapanda

    Amount of a particular item left in Mall

    Hi Everyone, I had a question (that I included below) but then I took the time to work on the problem myself. I have been able to get the data I want in a format that I can work with BUT I am worried that it may have some issues with the definition of what a mallbot is/isn't. I am trying to...
  8. dapanda

    KoLmafia and KoL server connection issues

    Testing it over the past week it seems to be working properly now. Not sure what the issues were but I am going to guess Christmas networking issues.
  9. dapanda

    KoLmafia and KoL server connection issues

    Hi Guys, About 2 weeks ago KoLmafia started to randomly slow down in regards to accessing the KoL server. For the most part it runs slow with instances where I can play a little bit. KoLmafia itself doesn't run slow, switching tabs, loading parts of the program is instant. There is also no...
  10. dapanda

    Feature - Implemented Is Mom Sea Monkee open?

    Thanks. Would I or someone else be able to update the wiki with that information? Seems a good thing to add on the preference page: As it doesn't specify where it ends (I thought it ended with Grandpa)
  11. dapanda

    Finding if Mom Monkee is available

    Thanks Darzil. I feel kinda silly because I looked at that and thought it meant just up to Grandpa. Dad and Mom just seemed like side quests.
  12. dapanda

    Finding if Mom Monkee is available

    Hi Bale, Thanks! Just submitted it.
  13. dapanda

    Feature - Implemented Is Mom Sea Monkee open?

    Hi guys, Per the post: I would like to submit a request to have a preference for if "Mom Sea Monkee" has been unlocked. Thanks!
  14. dapanda

    Finding if Mom Monkee is available

    Hi Guys, I am trying to write an aftercore script and I want to be able to check if Mom Monkee was found. I wasn't seeing anything in the quest or pref list: Would the way to do it be to check if that URL is accessible? Thanks!
  15. dapanda

    Linux Logins, and the Hate Therein

    Hi guys, I just wanted to update as I had the same problem on Linux. I unfortunately was going from a brand new Linux install to a new KoL account so I didn't have any backup to use. My user name kept disappearing after entering it and moving away from the user name box. I had to update my JAVA...