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  1. D

    Bug - Not A Bug Deep Dark Visions should not have a daily limit

    Actually, the limit is one, if you have over 500 hp: case SkillPool.DEEP_VISIONS: maximumCast = KoLCharacter.getMaximumHP() >= 500 ? 1 : 0; break;
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    New Content - Implemented 2019 April IOTM - PirateRealm membership packet

    I added it a while back for items of the month with daily passes which can’t otherwise be recognised
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    New Content - Implemented 2019 April IOTM - PirateRealm membership packet

    Barrel shrine is different, there is no daily access so visiting it in the browser will set the preference.
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    Standard Rollover Bonus

    Or more likely it is in item number order, and what you are seeing is powercreep over the years.
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    New Content - Implemented 2019 April IOTM - PirateRealm membership packet

    Generally because no one cares and wouldn’t maximise for them. If you aren’t going to maximise for them, we don’t really need to support. Occasionally when one becomes important it gets added. Can certainly see an argument for adding various ways of adding passive or retribution damage, as they...
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    New Content - Implemented 2019 April IOTM - PirateRealm membership packet

    We could also use it to set the monster appearance rates in AreaCombatData.
  7. D

    Feature Boolean modifiers for certain types of equipment

    It is because by default, at present, ALL items that match a boolean requirement are passed through to the brute force maximization, so would need pruning. Numerics already get pruned.
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    Bug - Fixed maximizer still sometimes equipping bathysphere

    I definitely think we can quash, eventually, the not preferring an unhelpful item over no item. If you have no item, and it doesn’t beat a tie with an item, then stick with no item. That is a bug I’ve tried to track down several times and over many hours. I don’t see how we can ever get...
  9. D

    Feature Boolean modifiers for certain types of equipment

    This isn't done yet, but I think I've hit the wall for today. It works, badly and slowly, for +club, as it hasn't yet got pruning. It doesn't work, yet, for +accordion, +knife or +utensil, I suspect I've missed turning an int into a long somewhere. If anyone wants to take a look, feel free...
  10. D

    Feature Boolean modifiers for certain types of equipment

    Well, it isn't quite that simple. Most items that give a boolean exist on relatively few items, and Maximizer just passes them all through. However, there are loads of items that meet these booleans, so we need to prune the list to just the best one in these cases.
  11. D

    Feature Boolean modifiers for certain types of equipment

    It does look like making club, utensil, knife and accordion into Boolean modifiers would make this work better (and needed as getScore considers only modifiers, not items). So I think it's converting bitmaps to longs (as this will take us over 32 booleans), adding 4 boolean modifiers, and...
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    Bug - Fixed maximizer still sometimes equipping bathysphere

    If you don't want an item removed from a slot, use -slot. eg, you put on the weapon you want then use "-weapon" in the maximization. Or say you always want your accordion thief to use an accordion, you use +accordion. -tie is explicitly for saying you aren't going to use a tiebreaker.
  13. D

    Bug Mafia thinks that Gingerbread mob hit is still available in standard even when not

    That'll be a KOL bug, as it's KOL that tells us which skills we have. It isn't unprecedented for us to handle it until KOL does.
  14. D

    Bug - Fixed maximizer still sometimes equipping bathysphere

    -tie says "I don't care what items are equipped if they don't change the maximizer result." So if you care, don't use -tie.
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    Feature Boolean modifiers for certain types of equipment

    I have toyed with adding a comparison of outfit sets whose bonus changes with number with the best of other items, so we can prune items that only might help before the full iteration. It should be possible, and make a big difference, but is quite a big project.
  16. D

    Feature Boolean modifiers for certain types of equipment

    I mean any time you try to prioritise two different things. So this can be boolean + maximization, or maximization with min or max supplied. Ideally one day a maths guru will totally rewrite maximizer using advanced maths!
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    Feature Boolean modifiers for certain types of equipment

    We probably should do something like this. I’d feel keener if it weren’t for the fact that the thing Maximizer does worst is these kind or prioritisations.
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    And that is what the true/false means, according to The boolean values are true if the character is in clan chat or false if just listening.
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    There are a few different chat versions, maybe you are using another?
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    > ash who_clan() Returned: aggregate boolean [string] Darzil => true Kittenbabble => false justinarms => false missfishie => true Players in this channel: missfishie, Darzil, Kittenbabble, justinarms (4 total) (and Kittenbabble and justinarms are in grey)