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  1. D

    New Content - Implemented Two Crazy Random Summer

    This is close to having the modifiers, for standard items anyway : So we could use to with override in modifiers maybe? It's random seeded I think (and a Dev might have hinted :) ), so I think populating it from such a datafile would be the way. Ideally one...
  2. D

    New Content - Implemented Two Crazy Random Summer

    True, but I THINK we could build it with that data?
  3. D

    New Content - Implemented Two Crazy Random Summer

    So, thinking about it, I think what we'd need is: modifiers file containing: class, moonsign, item id, item name, modifier/effect (if present) We'd use item name to populate the item -> canonical item, so we recognise everything, and modifier to be parsed and then override modifiers.txt...
  4. D

    New Content - Implemented Two Crazy Random Summer

    I suspect it has been automated, and is looking up each item using itemdesc.php. So 'all' that is needed is 54 characters that start the path and then run a few thousand server hits to grab the data then process it. I suspect that is what the files that the dictator links above is.
  5. D

    New Content - Implemented Two Crazy Random Summer

    Mafia needs to know the modifications of everything you can make or buy, as well as everything you have.
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    New Content - Implemented Two Crazy Random Summer

    I'm hoping that in reasonable time the seeds are worked out, like they were for Noob. Otherwise it'll be a huge amount of spading and work, such that we will be faced with either not supporting it, or supporting it by doing a hit on itemdesc for all items during the path each session or...
  7. D

    Bug - Waiting for Info shenQuestItem may not be populated the first time you meet Shen Copperhead

    r19215 - As Choice 851 doesn't give the information about the item to look for, visit quest log to find out. Does that fix it for you?
  8. D

    Bug - Fixed Ed's MP restores have incorrect values

    r19211 doubles these, as we don't keep in and out of combat separate. Maybe we should when those systems are next overhauled.
  9. D

    New Content - Implemented 2019 IOTM Fourth of May Cosplay Saber

    We normally add such cli commands as part of adding maximizer support. But with items that can only be changed once per day, we tend not to add maximizer support, as it's so easy to end up with unintended consequences.
  10. D

    Bug - Waiting for Info shenQuestItem may not be populated the first time you meet Shen Copperhead

    We'll need the html of that conversation with Shen to work out why the match failed and fix this.
  11. D

    New Content NEP monster drop spading

    Not really. We'd be having to create and check 20 new daily preferences, and either add custom code for each to give the current drop rate, or extend Expressions to the drop value, and probably rebuild the monster.txt file formats to handle that. It isn't impossible, but it is going to be a few...
  12. D

    Bug - Fixed HP > 2^31 goes negative or zero; errors

    AdventureResult.HP and AdventureResult.MP
  13. D

    Bug - Fixed HP > 2^31 goes negative or zero; errors

    A thorough fix is hard, as I've looked at this before. Because AdventureResult will need to handle longs, you have to handle every use of an Item Number and similar entry to update to longs. Unless of course there is a simpler way that I didn't find. There are thousands!
  14. D

    Bug - Fixed Skull of Bonerdagon crafted into Badass Belt when ascending

    And sent personal mails chasing your pet projects. I’m probably going to ignore you soon, as the alternative is leaving this community, as I now come to see demands, not requests. Usually ones that demand much more time than they will ever save, and often ones telling me that work I've...
  15. D

    Feature - Implemented [Patch] Implement WarBear Armor Penetration

    So this is an "in case this content ever returns" patch? Or can we still fight them somehow?
  16. D

    Feature Boolean modifiers for certain types of equipment

    No, I need a rewrite of everything about Boolean modifiers in Mafia. As after adding one more, any further involve a metric shedload of changes. It is the hard part about this change. Incidentally, two handed accordions work fine, and maybe one handed. It is only clubs where it might only show...
  17. D

    Feature Boolean modifiers for certain types of equipment

    A patch that successfully coverts Boolean array from bits to longs as we are running out, and works everywhere they are used would help. I couldn’t get them all working and don’t have time now.