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  1. D

    New Content - Implemented Hewn moon-rune spoon

    Sorry, hadn't realised, it's so often a choice!
  2. D

    New Content - Implemented Hewn moon-rune spoon

    There are a number of things where we set them in preChoice, but if you want to ensure that it was successful, you could set a variable during preChoice and then use it during a postChoice.
  3. D

    Bug - Fixed mumming trunk modifiers are no longer counted in stats

    This appears to be a result of the changes made by Heeheehee to not evaluate modifiers if they don't contain expressions. This breaks everywhere that we convert a string of modifiers to modifiers, which include these. Maybe they can suggest an alternative?
  4. D

    Bug Bander runaways not tracking properly (possibly snokebomb and others as well)

    Or the more generic "Items and effects that mess with text mess up systems that try to read text".
  5. D

    Bug Bander runaways not tracking properly (possibly snokebomb and others as well)

    Can probably update that and similar handling if the pieces of the message that do or do not change can be identified. All we need is a unique string that appears in the html for the tool message but not otherwise.
  6. D

    Bug - Fixed Only unique items contribute to Clowny

    Perhaps as a slight tweak to that, perhaps maximizer should assume that they are single equip, if the maximization includes that term. We'd need to do something cute for the side pane display, probably.
  7. D

    Bug - Fixed Only unique items contribute to Clowny

    May be challenging, as Maximizer doesn't do it's calculations based on items, but on modifiers. I suspect I know why it used bitmaps . . .
  8. D

    Bug Bander runaways not tracking properly (possibly snokebomb and others as well)

    So, we have Bander (with Ode), Stomping Boots and Greatest American Pants which can give free runaways? So if we are using no turn and last command was to run away, we just need to work out which. Or is there anything else?
  9. D

    Bug Bander runaways not tracking properly (possibly snokebomb and others as well)

    Wouldn't we also need to know which runaway happened?
  10. D

    New Content - Implemented 2019 IOTM Fourth of May Cosplay Saber

    r19293, untested, should use your highest buffed stat as the hit stat, and adds the skill as a known skill when equipped.
  11. D

    Bug Bander runaways not tracking properly (possibly snokebomb and others as well)

    Bander checks for responseText.contains( "his back, and flooms away" or responseText.contains( "speed your escape. Thanks" ), Snokebomb checks for responseText.contains( "throw the smokebomb at your feet" ) Did you perhaps have some sort of text changing effect or item active?
  12. D

    New Content - Implemented Two Crazy Random Summer

    Am pretty sure I read that the astral consumables give their normal adventures, based on level, but have the modified size
  13. D

    New Content - Implemented Two Crazy Random Summer

    Hell Ramen is affected by Saucemaven, which adds +5 adventures if a Sauceror with it, which would account for that difference. Assuming it affects TCRS, of course.
  14. D

    New Content - Implemented Two Crazy Random Summer

    Sounds expected. The number before it is the weighting. So 100 Clowniness means 100x Clowniness. What you want, I think, is something like min 100 Clowniness. Not sure if right syntax, as away from PC, but check the help
  15. D

    New Content - Implemented Two Crazy Random Summer

    We should probably change our handling to recognise that message, and maybe have clowny rather than clownosity, if the game has it that way. So maybe have 25, 50, 75 clowny percent. Would also stop us using bitmaps for it, which wouldn't hurt.
  16. D

    Bug More Multiusable

    Moxie weed keeps coming up because it is flagged as not multiusable but has a multi use link. So this is actually a KOL bug with the flag.
  17. D

    Bug - Not A Bug excludes keyword for maps?

    But that's two days into the future!
  18. D

    Bug - Not A Bug excludes keyword for maps?

    The word "excludes" looks to me like it appears three times in the Mafia source. All three are in comments in libraries. So doesn't look like an ash thing.
  19. D

    Bug - Waiting for Info shenQuestItem may not be populated the first time you meet Shen Copperhead

    Did it try calling quest log? Can we get a debug log?