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  1. H

    Maximizer and the law of diminishing marginal returns

    My usual approach is to hardcode certain slots (e.g. offhand, due to hobo power / smithsness) that tend to lead to combinatorial explosion. That and caching maximizer output via custom outfits during the course of running scripts.
  2. H

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    Hm. LoginManager.timein -> login -> doLogin -> initialize -> KoLmafia.refreshSession calls refreshSessionData(), which in turn makes a CharSheetRequest; afterwards, refreshSession invokes recalculateAdjustments(), so timing in should be covered in exactly the same way that a normal login is...
  3. H

    matcher / create_matcher not processing the match on raidlogs.php

    You're close, but you need to explicitly invoke find() on your matcher. matcher slimedefeated = create_matcher("([0-9]+) turns spent in this dungeon:",visit_url("clan_raidlogs.php")); if (find(slimedefeated)) { print(group(slimedefeated,1).to_int() + " defeated","green"); }...
  4. H

    Bug - Fixed Sidepane no longer shows inebriety limit until refresh

    I believe r27647 fixes this.
  5. H

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    I think this is fixed with r27647, but let us know if you see this bug again. I'm not sure. The former seems safer to me (if there's a combat skill that also affects modifiers) but less efficient.
  6. H

    Bug - Fixed You have free rests available but KoLmafia thought you had none.

    I think this is fixed with r27647, but please reopen if it isn't.
  7. H

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    #2012 sidesteps that by just updating availableSkillsChanged in a synchronous fashion, and adding an explicit call to recalculateAdjustments() in CharSheetRequest. I could probably revert the change in #2011, since I'm pretty sure this is a more comprehensive fix, but, that commit doesn't really...
  8. H

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    Oh, I understand the race you described now. We fire a listener for (skill) whenever we add a new skill, which in turn sets availableSkillsChanged. I suppose we want a mechanism to wait until any pending listeners have finished executing.
  9. H

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    Hm. r27646 doesn't seem to have fixed the problem fully. I'll tinker some more.
  10. H

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    I looked at it some more, and that's not actually quite right. applyPassiveModifiers was always populating availablePassiveSkillModifiersByVariable, even if there were no skills loaded. Anyways. #2011.
  11. H

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    I was playing around with trying to get it to work in tests, but there are some quirks with how we manage passives -- both campground details as well as familiar modifiers (e.g. Underwater Familiar) were blocking applyPassiveModifiers from correctly detecting that skills had been reset.
  12. H

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    @Ryo_Sangnoir A simpler explanation: during LoginManager.initialize(), we call recalculateAdjustments() on login (in KoLCharacter.reset()) well before we populate our skills (via the CharSheetRequest in KoLmafia.refreshSession()). diff --git a/src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/
  13. H

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    Yeah. I think this was broken by r26962. (and by "think" I mean I checked the output of `numeric_modifier weapon damage` on login with both r26961 and r26962, and confirmed that r26962 introduced the regression I've been using as my test case.)
  14. H

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    Yeah, this isn't a new bug per se, but rather one that became much, much more visible with the organ tracking change. I checked out an earlier revision (r27601 contained the organ tracking change), and saw the same results for Weapon Damage:
  15. H

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    It's not just organ capacities, it turns out -- other skill modifiers are affected, too.
  16. H

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    modtrace calls recalculateAdjustments, but that happens at the end of the invocation...? Well, at least we're consistent. And it looks like that call to modtrace recomputes the modifiers.
  17. H

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    Huh. This is fascinating: That said, I can reproduce pretty reliably.
  18. H

    Feature historical_price does not update on mall extinct items, can not load -1

    Changing mall_price() to return 0 would definitely break existing scripts. I just cited that as the first instance that I found that checked historical_price(it) == 0, even if it's probably fine here. I'm inclined to agree, but this has been observable behavior for so many years that it's...
  19. H

    Feature historical_price does not update on mall extinct items, can not load -1

    One concern I have with storing -1 as a valid (crowdsourced) mallprice is that if an item is temporarily extinct (very possible for a low-volume item) or hasn't been added to the mall yet, we may end up caching -1 for longer than intended. This is probably fine, but something to be aware of...