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  1. H

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    I've shrunk the second reproducing test case to: ash print(inebriety_limit()); equip Knob Goblin scimitar; ash print(inebriety_limit()); outfit birthday suit; ash print(inebriety_limit()); equip saucepan; ash print(inebriety_limit()); which I've saved in a file called reproducer.txt. From my...
  2. H

    Bug - Fixed Mafia does not acknowledge Feast of Boris after ascending

    Should be fixed as of r28141. Do let us know (on... Feb 19?) if you experience it again.
  3. H

    Bug - Fixed Mafia does not acknowledge Feast of Boris after ascending

    I assumed that this issue has existed since we changed organ capacity to be tracked as proper modifiers (r27601), which was committed on the date frono identified. A cursory glance at the code confirms that's the case (typo in modifiers.txt, previous code in referring directly...
  4. H

    Proposal: Require Java 21 is the backport to Java 21, FYI. I'd like to hear more about how it's not working for you, since AFAIK it's not causing problems for our Windows test executions on Github.
  5. H

    Bug - Fixed Mafia does not acknowledge Feast of Boris after ascending

    Event Feast of Boris Stomach Capacity: [min(1,path(none)+path(Teetotaller))*(1-class(AWOL))*15] Looks like someone misspelled "Teetotaler".
  6. H

    Proposal: Require Java 21

    For what it's worth, I don't think the GOAWAY fix has been backported to Java 21 yet. I think Java 22 might have it, 23 definitely does.
  7. H

    .JAR file issue

    As others have mentioned, you need at least Java 17 to build and run Mafia. We are planning to bump that minimum version to Java 21 (the latest long-term support release) in the near future (next month or two, I'd guess), so it may make sense to get ahead of the curve. To the best of my...
  8. H

    r28087 - What's Changed [*]Create JSON API for relay scripts. by ]@phulin] in

    I suspect that may be the case -- it sounds like we need to make a clear distinction between JS that runs in the browser, as opposed to JS that runs in Mafia's Rhino engine to execute various actions including generating assets served by the relay server (which is what most mentions of "JS" as a...
  9. H

    Bug - Fixed Script Manager doesn't launch

    This should be fixed with r28100.
  10. H

    r28087 - What's Changed [*]Create JSON API for relay scripts. by ]@phulin] in

    I will defer to @Veracity here, but I'll try to address some of the comments / questions. I expected both of you would have received an alert when I mentioned both of you directly in #3. has an option for receiving notifications (via the bell icon in the...
  11. H

    Bug - Fixed Script Manager doesn't launch seems to fix the problem on my end.
  12. H

    Bug - Fixed Script Manager doesn't launch

    I can reproduce readily. A manual bisect indicates that this broke as a result of r28091, which finished replacing the json library that we use. @ikzann We may want to revert the change if we can't figure out a fix-forward.
  13. H

    Bug - Confirmed Maximizer didn't equip a weapon

    Specifically, I mention the passive skill cache because recalculateAdjustments(true, ...) creates a new DebugModifiers which in turn, among other things, forcibly refreshes the passive skill cache.
  14. H

    Bug - Confirmed Maximizer didn't equip a weapon

    I'm noting that in this test, "unbrekable umbrella" is misspelled. That doesn't seem sufficient to cause test breakage, but might be a small step in the right direction, given the latest observations. I'm also noting that Crimbo Training: Passenger Greeter does provide +1 exp in the modtrace...
  15. H

    Bug IO Exception almost daily on manual adventuring.

    Indeed, this is the newer version of nginx correlated with the GOAWAYs, as I thought it might be. That debug log is fascinating, though. It almost looks like we're running into a timeout, since it's just over an hour since you initiated the first request. This might actually be AWS ALB once...
  16. H

    Support for Java 21 (new LTS)?

    21 brings new preview features in the form of string templates and unnamed patterns / variables, and finalizes record patterns and virtual threads (both introduced in Java 19). By upgrading from 17, we also get better Unicode handling, and a couple of other minor library changes that would...
  17. H

    Support for Java 21 (new LTS)?

    Bumping this thread -- as far as I'm aware, we are now able to build with Java 21. Spotless is now on 6.23.3, the task errors are now resolved, we're on Gradle 8.8. Most warnings are gone (there's still a warning for lib/darrylbu/util/ since Object.finalize is marked for...
  18. H

    Bug IO Exception almost daily on manual adventuring.

    The command I specifically listed should open a log, make a single (small) request, and then turn off the log, so you can run it both at the start of your session and right after encountering the problem.
  19. H

    r28087 - What's Changed [*]Create JSON API for relay scripts. by ]@phulin] in

    I was not going to mention the China angle, but since you mention it: I don't think there's any verification needed to state that Alibaba is a Chinese-owned company headquartered in China, and the vast majority of their employees are also based in China. I am not saying by any means that the...
  20. H

    r28087 - What's Changed [*]Create JSON API for relay scripts. by ]@phulin] in

    fastjson2 has me worried because it's hundreds of thousands of lines of Java across thousands of files over thousands of commits, and it has a bunch of features we don't need (read: broad attack surface). Based on the "projects using us" list, I also don't see much adoption by other large...