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  1. H

    Multitool - An implementation and feature discussion.

    Yes, I saw that. As I mentioned, it's a file permissions error -- the Gradle wrapper doesn't have the executable bit set.
  2. H

    Multitool - An implementation and feature discussion.

    (I don't have access to fork the repo or to push to a new branch, so no PRs from me for the time being. I did confirm that the "Permission denied" issue is a simple file permissions issue, though.)
  3. H

    Multitool - An implementation and feature discussion.

    `chmod +x`? Failing that, if you actually have Gradle, you can just run `$ gradle wrapper`.
  4. H

    Multitool - An implementation and feature discussion.

    Given the first phase requirement, I feel like it might be easier to have Multitool (or launcher, or whatever) be in a separate repository under the KoLmafia umbrella project so we can simply check whether the git revision at HEAD matches. That also has the benefit of not polluting the main...
  5. H

    Feature - Implemented Add a "Pending change in required Java version" nag message.

    IIRC, there were two contributing factors back in the day: More strongly held opinions about not spoiling limited-time content Concerns about contributing disproportionately to Crimbo-time server load. In recent years, we have gotten the go-ahead from KoL that they're now appropriately...
  6. H

    Feature - Implemented Add a "Pending change in required Java version" nag message.

    One downside I see is that we have much more frequent updates than most commercial products, and we unfortunately require users to download a new revision to get the latest changes. Bundling the subset of the JVM that we use increases the download size by around 3x (compare the .dmg size to the...
  7. H

    Feature - Implemented Add a "Pending change in required Java version" nag message.

    I don't think there have been discussions of the specific schedule for the next upgrade, so much as discussions about pain points from the last upgrade and how we can avoid them next time. Actually, the next LTS is Java 25, which isn't coming out until late September. I'd be quite surprised if...
  8. H

    Feature - Implemented Add a "Pending change in required Java version" nag message.

    Correct. What we could do is add an extra transition stage where we require a new version in code, before actually updating the build version. So something like: One month before we cut over to the new version, start displaying a warning. One week before we cut over to the new version, detect...
  9. H

    Automatically download the newest daily build

    That sure sounds like it might arise from my having dropped the TLS 1.2 bit that matt.chugg added. I've uploaded a new .zip with that line added back, but if that doesn't work, I strongly recommend using one of the other community-provided autoupdaters (e.g...
  10. H

    Bug - Fixed Maximizer suggests equipping a watch in the wrong slot

    This is not a correct interpretation of either the current or the desired behavior. The maximizer may want to change a slot even if it specifically does not change the score when equipping an outfit which overall will provide a bonus (attributed to some other slot), or to satisfy some condition...
  11. H

    Proposal: Require Java 21

    "will" is the operative word, but it's not entirely obvious when. It'll definitely be fixed when we adopt Java 25 after September, and there is a clear desire to backport this fix to Java 21, but the PR has not yet landed.
  12. H

    Feature Maximizer difficulty with negatives and the max/min keywords.

    IMO, doesn't really seem reasonable as a primary motivator if turns between sausage goblin encounters scales as encounters^3 -- even with a million server hits per day (~12/s), that's only like 60 goblins (based on quick calculations using the wiki formula), compared to getting your first 6 in...
  13. H

    New Content - Implemented Crimbo 2024

    Infinite jelly looks like it scales according to the number of adventures the food item gave, capped at X=75 (per consuming a gallon of milk, getting 82 adventures, then seeing +75 exp and +750% to all stats). All these f0.1 drop rates disappoint my character that runs around with +11000% item...
  14. H

    Feature Maximizer difficulty with negatives and the max/min keywords.

    Hm. Looks like the text was added on Feb 25 ( but I cannot find any references to a change happening around that time. As for the original request, you're entirely correct that min / max aren't really...
  15. H

    Feature Maximizer difficulty with negatives and the max/min keywords.

    When was this introduced? I don't remember this cap existing in the distant past, and I don't see any references to it in announcements / trivial updates or on the wiki.
  16. H

    Issue with wham.php?

    Yeah, there's another PR that @Ryo_Sangnoir crafted a few hours ago which should fix it... probably r28159 in a few minutes.
  17. H

    Issue with wham.php?

    Anyways, try again with r28158? There were some KoL changes as ckb pointed out.
  18. H

    Issue with wham.php?

    Per, the to_buffer(string) message is a warning but does not cause scripts to break.
  19. H

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    I don't have the cape, either. That logic is run unconditionally. I suspect the actual trigger is tied to having specific passive skills. (Expert Panhandling was an obvious guess given the relevance of the saucepan, but it seems that is insufficient and potentially irrelevant.) I have not yet...
  20. H

    Bug You are too drunk to continue

    Okay. So the sequence of events starts out: "equip knob goblin scimitar" triggers the removal of a bunch of retro superhero cape skills (which registers a deferred listener to refresh the passive skill cache the next time we want to fetch adjustments)...