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  1. D

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Kickass! I'm terrible at understanding code, so would have never found that on my own. Thanks, Ferdawoon! :D
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    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Is there any way to force this to temporarily not use clovers? This way it could be used for a BM leadin run.
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    The Unofficial Ascend.ash support thread.

    There's daily builds of ascend.ash? O.o
  4. D

    How to configure one-click wossname?

    Everything else seems to be up to date. ^.^
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    How to configure one-click wossname?

    Okay! Activated the verbosity thingy, which upon running wossname (at level 12), gave me a big red WARNING! Your version is outdated! thingy. So now using the updated version, and... WOOT! All the variables are there! It's all there! HUZZAH! :D Thanks for the verbosity thing, it led directly to...
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    How to configure one-click wossname?

    I have done it a level higher, though.. thing is, I've ran it at level 4 times now; first in my pastamancer run that I was in before starting a nemesis loop, than once each in SC, TT, and PM again; it's never created any of the aforementioned variables, not even once..
  7. D

    How to configure one-click wossname?

    Nope, no luck.. I ran it manually, bupkiss for results. I deleted vars_drkirre and then re-ran it manually; zilch. Typing in zlib vars gets absolutely nothing, too.. I'll attach a screenie of the results. Or lack thereof.
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    How to configure one-click wossname?

    As stated in the thread, I haven't the foggiest how to go about this.. I've found my vars_DrKirre.txt file, but none of the variables it says to change are in there. In fact, it's pretty darn.. empty. I've ascended a few times using the various ascend.ash bits, but for the life of me I can't...
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    The Unofficial Ascend.ash support thread.

    Of note: It cannot handle switching to some form of elemental damage when fighting things resistant to physical. IE, protector spirits. It will just fight them over.. and over.. and over.. until it runs completely dry.
  10. D

    The Unofficial Ascend.ash support thread.

    Everything came through okay, but the bot is REALLY messed up, it seems. Either that or he intentionally filled the message with crazy stuff. A (slightly modified) transcript is as follows: Thank+you+for+the+Mr .+A% 21+I+hope+you+enjoy+ ascend.ash.++The+pas sword+is+% 27((REDACTED - it's behind...