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  1. dangerpin

    Mafia versioning & scripts

    Yes, but I was responding to the idea that "SVN and release builds are probably measurable different", I should have quoted for clarity.
  2. dangerpin

    Mafia versioning & scripts

    SVN and release builds are identical. SVN version 6588 exactly matches 12.7
  3. dangerpin

    Kol-mafia started crashing recently.

    Try hitting CTL+0 to see if you accidently zoomed. CTL+ scroll button will do the same. If you have a backup you can restore the %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xxxxxxxx.default Which translates to C:\Documents and Settings\YOURusernameHERE\Application...
  4. dangerpin

    Kol-mafia started crashing recently.

    Because that is when it F-Secure became the product they wanted tested, if I remember correctly.
  5. dangerpin

    Divine Leveling Script

    I know you are trying to do something cool. I don't want to stomp on your desire to do this, however.. We are coming up on one of the most click-happy, lagtastic times of the year. Is this, perhaps, a better project for January? It just seems a thumb to the nose towards the desires of...
  6. dangerpin

    Kol-mafia started crashing recently.

    You know, when I first got into the industry F-Prot for DOS was amazing. Nice to see that some things remain fairly consistent. Still I would have to go with NOD32 from ESET. You actually picked a good day to try to figure out which AV to buy. From Slashdot this morning...
  7. dangerpin

    Kol-mafia started crashing recently.

    I tried to recreate your issue. I added a bunch of items to my store, pulled them via the relay browser and autosold a few. I had no problems. The idea that Ad-aware (a once great antispyware product that has fallen from grace) makes "a decent virus scanner", makes reason stare, but I will put...
  8. dangerpin

    Kol-mafia started crashing recently.

    Hotspot 11.0-b16 is part of the 1.6.0_11 version of java that just came out a few days ago, so thanks for letting me know that. I had wondered if the issue had started with the upgrade or if you had installed it while attempting to fix. From your savvy-ness I had assumed the latter, but nice to...
  9. dangerpin

    Kol-mafia started crashing recently.

    Ok, now that we know that you don't have adequate protection from virus and malware, the tech side of me says the first thing we need to do is remove that concern before moving forward. The first thing I would do is download a trial copy of NOD32 by Eset and do a full scan for viruses...
  10. dangerpin

    Kol-mafia started crashing recently.

    This is, almost assuredly, a java issue, not a mafia issue. Specifically how java works with certain types of security software. You are probably running a bit of software that does Data Execution Protection (aka DEP), be that a "Security Center" type of antivirus (McAfee or Norton being the...
  11. dangerpin

    Need Help Getting Started

    The first thing I would do is start asking yourself to make a list of all the things you do every day, or would do every day if you remembered, and then work towards creating scripts that do these daily tasks automatically. Next read this: That...
  12. dangerpin

    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    Yes, this. Revision: 6512 Author: jasonharper Date: 22:07:59, woensdag 19 november 2008 Message: Adds "overdrink" command to CLI, which behaves exactly the same as "drink" except that there won't be any confirmation dialogs if this would get you falling-down drunk with turns remaining, or if...
  13. dangerpin

    How to summon undead elbow macaroni using the custom combat script

    I don't see it listed anywhere in the class skills data file, which does contain combat skills gained from an item, like "Fire black bottle-rocket". I see from the wiki entry that the name of the summoned monster is randomly produced, so that leads me to believe it should be "skill summon...
  14. dangerpin

    Crimbo For The Devs / Community Devs

    Funny this should come up, I have been feeling the same way myself and had started putting together a little crimbo shopping list, I'll share it with you all and hopefully I don't out anyone. I'm told Veracity also collects; rubber emo roe strings of blue, green and red beads tiny bust of...
  15. dangerpin

    is this possible?

    A couple of threads that might answer your question, perhaps.,928.0.html,1423.0.html,928.msg4641.html#msg4641
  16. dangerpin

    Simple question about relay browser on OS X

    Sounds like an issue with your firefox profile becoming locked. I'm no Mac guy but I've been told you can launch Firefox "profile manager" with "{full path} firefox -ProfileManager " Create a new profile named (for example), "MafiaDebug". Exit the Firefox profile manager. Set Mafia to use the...
  17. dangerpin

    The Undiscovered Craftery

    6 new shiny trophies, thanks Jason! *Edit-7 shiny new trophies.
  18. dangerpin

    item lists

    To delete items from the list go to the Item Manager, click on the item filter in question, click on the item and hit delete. To add an item from Item Manager, General section, right click the item want to add to one of the lists and choose the list you want to add it to.
  19. dangerpin

    Hobocobo Script?

    The hobo codes are auto-stop adventures. You should be able to put together a very simple script to do this for you using just adventure * location1; adventure * location2; Check out this for more info on auto-stops.,730.msg3814/topicseen.html#msg3814
  20. dangerpin

    Snowcone summoning

    In the meantime, I guess you could change your script to tell mafia you've not summoned snowcones between each summons by putting... set snowconeSummons=0 ...between each summons, perhaps?