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  1. dangerpin

    Native Windows (x86) KoLmafia.exe

    I just wanted to thank you again for your continued work on this. Everything works wonderfully and I really appreciate it.
  2. dangerpin


    Thank you for the update, basbryan. Just what I was looking for!
  3. dangerpin

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    I'm really thankful for the script. One minor naggle: it seems to have issues planting the bean to open the beanstalk areas. Not a huge deal to click and open it, but I thought I should mention it so it is on your radar.
  4. dangerpin

    Native Windows (x86) KoLmafia.exe

    I'm ok updating manually. Thanks again for your scripts and continued updates for this version. You have no idea how much I appreciate it.
  5. dangerpin

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    I have 5671 as What is the content of the line that needs changing?
  6. dangerpin

    Native Windows (x86) KoLmafia.exe

    When I run check_JET_build.ash it tells me that r11434 is available. But when I download and run the build I get r11427. I have tried downloading it with multiple browsers and even cleared caches to make sure my browser wasn't just giving me an old version. Anyone else having this problem? Is...
  7. dangerpin

    Native Windows (x86) KoLmafia.exe

    Then much thanks to both Hola and Catch-22 for additional access to these builds.
  8. dangerpin

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Having a problem in the latest builds through 159, when it tries to maximize in any area it gives: BCC: We have not completed the stage [manorbedroom]. BCC: Maximizing '' Unrecognized keyword: shield-10 ml Unable to meet all requirements via equipment changes. See the Modifier Maximizer for...
  9. dangerpin

    Native Windows (x86) KoLmafia.exe

    Mediafire shows both files set to private and I cannot download. "This file is currently set to private. When a file is set to private by its owner only the owner of the file can access it. If you are the owner of the file please log into your account to access this file."
  10. dangerpin

    Native Windows (x86) KoLmafia.exe

    The rounded edges are classy. Thanks for the update!
  11. dangerpin

    Native Windows (x86) KoLmafia.exe

    Thanks for the info, unfortunately my attempts to change the optimizations have led to an even bigger exe. 35MB this time. Maybe you would consider uploading your prj file so we can use the same mods you do. I've iconized the (IMHO) more attractive limeglass.gif that was once used for exe...
  12. dangerpin

    Native Windows (x86) KoLmafia.exe

    Catch-22, how did you get it down to 10MB? Mine came out over 20MB. I will be upgrading to Windows 8 in 90 days and figure I can reinstall then and get another 3 months even if we can't get free licenses. Oh, if you want my fat version of the latest, it is here...
  13. dangerpin

    Native Windows (x86) KoLmafia.exe

    Ok, I have to admit I was VERY skeptical about this and how it would work. But you just made me a true believer! Mafia is responsive on my Win machine in a way it hasn't been for years, literally. Instead of having the memory usage sitting at half to three-quarters it is barely registering even...
  14. dangerpin

    Bug - Fixed Divine Champagne Flute is not getting removed from inventory on use.

    Inventory shows I have one Divine Champagne Flute. I queue it up, drink it and alcohol. It appears to be consumed but is still shown in inventory. Manual inspection of inventory shows it has been consumed.
  15. dangerpin

    Feature - Implemented Between battle actions failed. Click the image if you'd like to continue anyway.

    Thank you, and everyone who works on this great interface very much.
  16. dangerpin

    Feature - Implemented Between battle actions failed. Click the image if you'd like to continue anyway.

    I would like to have a choice to turn off the functionality that gives me the error, "Between battle actions failed. Click the image if you'd like to continue anyway. " After the first instance of the message it is just one more required click between every single adventure. I love that my...
  17. dangerpin

    Between battle actions failed. Click the image if you'd like to continue anyway.

    Not exactly, but based on your response I suppose my needs have wandered into the realm of a feature request. I will post there. Thank you.