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  1. dangerpin

    item lists

    The momento list is intended to protect items you collect, I for instance collect Tiny Plastic Grues. So this will make sure that I don't accidently autosell one. The singleton list is for items that you want to make sure you keep one of, like parts of an outfit. The junk list defines items...
  2. dangerpin

    Hatrack Familiar Effects

    If you are running subversion you shouldn't need to use the "update" command at all, that is where the problem crops up, if I am understanding this correctly. Just delete your Data folder and keep happily running subversion.
  3. dangerpin

    Happy Birthday Holatuwol

    Happy belated Hola. Hold on there was a Cake bandwagon and I missed it! Darn you, work, you've deprived me of cake! Also, cake bandwagon....
  4. dangerpin

    2 Options

    I'm pretty sure that from the CLI typing "set defaultAutoAttack=disabled" without the quotes should do it.
  5. dangerpin

    Question about actions...

    Well, I think that explains it. Your CCS is basically, "attack with weapon except in these special cases", so mafia sets your autoattack to attack with weapon and only intervenes when it meets the criteria for a special case.
  6. dangerpin

    Question about actions...

    I'm pretty sure "set battleAction=custom combat script" is all you need.
  7. dangerpin

    Maximize.ash, maximize equipment in one command.

    There are two ways to maximize, the way this is built. There is maximize moxie and maximize "moxie percent", if I remember correctly. At lower moxie levels the more powerful straight moxie items would be better, at higher moxie levels the percentage would always be better. In the middle you have...
  8. dangerpin

    Maximize.ash, maximize equipment in one command.

    I'd love to see your updated itemmap.txt, can you upload it?
  9. dangerpin

    Happy Birthday, Veracity!

    Happy birthday V! May the blessing of light be on you— light without and light within. May the sunlight shine on you and warm your heart till it glows like fire.
  10. dangerpin

    Bounty item failed to drop from expected monster.

    The one time I had this happen I went to the Adventure tab, checked and then unchecked the Goals checkbox and the problem went away.
  11. dangerpin

    Bang a gong, get it on....

    Veracity has been over the board and read everything (I assume that she read everything, she definitely responded to a few things) a couple of times since you first posted. My guess is that the stick will not be used. I don't speak for V or H, but if I were you I would go for it, I suspect you...
  12. dangerpin

    lost a couple million due to my lack of testing :(

    Always test in an environment where losses can be minimized. Test with small amounts before testing with large amounts. If I were doing this I would have tested to a multi to see the output, then tested with single items to wadbot before opening it up to "all my battlefield swag". Mafia has...
  13. dangerpin

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    Wow, that looks like the adventure of a lifetime, no apologies necessary. Thanks for the fix hook-up, I guess I should have looked around a little better before hollering. Also, thank you Rinn.
  14. dangerpin

    Re: Puttin' on the PJ's revisited.

    Re: Puttin' on the PJ's revisited. I don't think it is ever too late to say thank you, but you might want to know that this script doesn't include a number of newer items that will add to your rollover turn count. A better choice might be maximize by Paragon. It can be found here...
  15. dangerpin

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    Still loving this script! However with the advent of the Hobopolis I haven't been using it in a while. On this last run through I noticed two odd things happening. The first was that it began adventuring in the haunted bathroom before picking up the jam band flyers, easily fixed but it did...
  16. dangerpin

    need some help with my script

    If you would do a search of the board with the word "holiday" you would find the answer to your question. The answer being that KoL holiday scripting is frowned upon. Totally doable, but frowned upon. I really don't think I can say it much better than it has been said in the past. Here are a...
  17. dangerpin

    Mafia vs. Windows XP SP3?

    It sounds like that fixed it for you, just for the sake of completeness for someone who might search the forums with similar problems you might have to spell out the full path to it, I had that issue after upgrading to the latest version of firefox and had to put this line in my...
  18. dangerpin

    Remote Control Mafia?

    Knowing your operating system might be a big help in this. At first I assumed you were using Windows, but you are phrasing this in such a way that I'm really not sure. How are you trying to access your home computer? RDC would seem to be the simplest way, as it does not require downloading and...
  19. dangerpin

    Hobo monkey consult script version 0.4

    Re: Hobo monkey consult script version 0.3 It is possible... set_property("defaultAutoAttack", 0); OR cli_execute("set defaultAutoAttack=disabled"); ...if I'm remembering correctly.
  20. dangerpin

    A couple of questions.

    There is an excellent tracker of the ocean that Gemelli maintains here... The one on the wiki wasn't bad at one time, either. As far as the Hippy Store profits go, my understanding is that if you visit it and collect your payment in the relay browser once, it...