Search results

  1. Winterbay

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Or the drop-down style which I like because it is more readable (larger text than the links) and still has everything I need.
  2. Winterbay

    Feature - Rejected Provide option to not autocreate badass belt

    It would probably affect autocrafting of the WAND and of the Staff of Ed at least.
  3. Winterbay

    bumcheekascend.ash - Relay Script

    1) Wrong script (this is for the relay script with all the settings) 2) It already uses its own CCS when fighting the pirates. In conclusion: Please post in the correct thread and add information of class/path/so on and also preferrably a bit of output around where it didn't work (can be found...
  4. Winterbay

    Bug - Fixed Buying Bowl of Scorpions from the hidden tavern doesn't work in-run

    Not that I'm likely to do so, but: Is there a way in ash (apart from cli_execute) to call the new "buy from storage" command?
  5. Winterbay

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Indeed: if (item_amount($item[dinghy plans]) < 1) buy($coinmaster[The Shore\, Inc. Gift Shop], 1, ($item[dinghy plans])); if (item_amount($item[dingy planks]) < 1) buy(1, $item[dingy planks]); use(1, $item[dinghy plans]); if (item_amount($item[dingy dinghy]) ==...
  6. Winterbay

    Weatherboy's Completely Automatic Spaaace Script

    This has been updated more recently and so probably works better at the moment, but apart from that I don't think there's any real difference. They were both written to do the same thing and even though I guess they make some small differences in which choices they do for you, I think you could...
  7. Winterbay

    Bale's Relay Overrides

    I quite like using the drop down menu (i.e. compact mode) and with the most recent update that looks like this: Is there any way of making the topmenu part slightly bigger at least? And is there a good way of getting the clan dropdown to not overlap with the Clan dungeon and Florist friar images?
  8. Winterbay

    Bug - Not A Bug Tables in the gCLI mutliplying

    I tried by creating an accoutn at but apparetnly that doesn't follow over to which is irritating.
  9. Winterbay

    Harvest – A highly customisable farming script

    Later builds didn't get rid of the script dropdown. It only didn't add it any longer for the new fancy iconic top menu so if you change to links or dropdowns it'll be back :) The error message means that you need to download htmlform.ash (can be found here).
  10. Winterbay

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    YEs, if you run the same things all the time then making a new alias for all of them is probably better. I just find it easier to remember the shorter aliases for when I want BCA to do something out of order for one reason or another. Also, thanks to whoever coded in the abort for the pasta...
  11. Winterbay

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    ALso, if you look at the output of "alias" you will see that a few of those already exists as aliases that you can call instead of the long text.
  12. Winterbay

    Nemesis quest script

    I guess that depends on slyz's available time. I've not seen him around for a while.
  13. Winterbay

    New Content - Implemented Clan speakeasy

    Nope, I've always thought it was some kind of feature or something. I'll see if I can look into doing that :)
  14. Winterbay


    Well, I like that as well even though it does make the topmenu somewhat crowded now.
  15. Winterbay

    Forums being tweaked?

    Thanks. Also, I knew there was that somewhere but I tend to only look at the search page and it wasn't there :)
  16. Winterbay

    Forums being tweaked?

    While we're on the topic of the font. Is there an explanation for what the different icons mean anywhere?
  17. Winterbay

    Feature - Implemented More information in Maximizer

    I think you may actually have to also enter a max price in the box to the left but I may be wrong.
  18. Winterbay


    Oh... *Logs in* *Looks at new menu* *clicks edit image* *geys confused and wishes for an add default links button* *changes back to the drop down menu*