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  1. Winterbay

    Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)

    Since the 13th action was Cadenza: Any chance that did more damage than expected? Also, you could've had more than the expected share of critical spells.
  2. Winterbay

    Bug - Not A Bug Relay browser chat reloading

    In order to generate a debug log you click on "start debug log" and when finished on "end debug log". That's the way to do it without having a significant error occur first.
  3. Winterbay

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    If you get beaten up a lot you may want to look into why you get beaten up as well. The script does abort if it can't remove beaten up for a reason since adventuring with that effect is generally not a good idea and may lead to the script going levelling more than what would be needed.
  4. Winterbay

    Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)

    WHat did WHAM try to do and what did you do that worked better?
  5. Winterbay

    BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts

    "momultistun" looks like a typo to me, sounds like it should've been "nomultistun"
  6. Winterbay

    BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts

    As pointed out in the WHAM-thread there may be a bug in the code for the use of PADL phones and Windchimes actually only allowing them against monsters that should not be in the battlefield rather than the other way around: case 2065: if (my_location() != $location[the battlefield...
  7. Winterbay

    Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)

    Oh... That would explain why I had to add extraspecific banning of them against the bugbear chefs despite this...
  8. Winterbay

    Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)

    Are storm cows inherent to the battlefield in Heavy Rain or are they wandering monsters? Non-regular monsters at the battlefield should already not be allowed the use of windchimes or pdal phones courtesy of BatBrain: case 2065: if (my_location() != $location[the battlefield (frat...
  9. Winterbay

    BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts

    All known errors in WHAM have been fixed. Thanks for your continued work on this.
  10. Winterbay

    Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)

    THanks for the report. I've updated the script with those changes. I do not have much time to play at the moment so any report like this is much appreciated.
  11. Winterbay

    Mafia and local SVN repositories?

    I agree with this...
  12. Winterbay

    Conditional CCS help request

    Given that you consult WHAM in there you might actually be better off writing a small combat script of your own and import WHAM into it. Something like: import WHAM.ash; void main(int initround, monster foe, string pg) { if (item_amount($item[military-grade fingernail clippers]) > 0...
  13. Winterbay

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    What is your CCS? Could you try it with a higher verbosity to see if you get more printout regarding what was passed to modifier_eval?
  14. Winterbay

    SmartStasis -- a complex script for a simple CCS

    It's been a while since I added that code but I do think it adds it to BatBrain's blacklist and as such it should be avoided by SS as well as long as you call SS via WHAM.
  15. Winterbay

    Bug - Not A Bug Mafia automatically resuming adventuring after a stop for SR and computer wakes up

    I don't think we can or should do anything about a windows bug which is why I've never posted mine as a bug report (I think I mentioned it in community support once before). It is a bit odd that the character buffer, or whatever it is called, isn't cleared when logging in and thus propagating an...
  16. Winterbay

    Bug - Not A Bug Mafia automatically resuming adventuring after a stop for SR and computer wakes up

    I have noticed that as well at work when logging back in from lunch with Mafia active in the background when I locked the computer. It seems the enter gets propagated form the Windows login-box to Mafia, activating Mafia to do whatever the currently selected action is. I worked around this...
  17. Winterbay

    Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)

    Yeah, I never managed to solve the issue of restoration and deleveling. There is some code in WHAM for that but it doesn't work very well and almost never gets called since generally the script finds a better way...
  18. Winterbay

    BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts

    Weaksauce? What the heck is that? If you explain clearly (and probably in the WHAM thread) I am more likely to be able to add it :)
  19. Winterbay

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    It downloads those text file from the internet though. However as long as they don't change on the backend your files won't be overwritten, but be aware that they can be.
  20. Winterbay

    Bale's Relay Overrides

    Comic Sans has a seriousness problem, i.e. it works great in light-hearted messages and texts but I wouldn't write a scientific article with it because it wouldn't fit the style of the text. Other than that it is a perfect font to use for birthday cards and similar :)