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  1. Winterbay

    Community Service relay script

    This is the code with two options missing (Coil Wire - always 60 turns and Donate Blood - buffed HP one) <html><head> <script language=Javascript> <!-- if (parent.frames.length == 0) location.href="game.php"; //--> </script> <script language=Javascript...
  2. Winterbay

    Community Service relay script

    They are listed in the table here
  3. Winterbay

    Community Service relay script

    Does anyone have a relay override for the Community Service council page that lists what the items you get actually do? I keep forgetting and having that on the page would be awesome :) (extra bonus would be if it also contained the formula for the lowering of the turns, but that is less important)
  4. Winterbay

    Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)

    Well, that number comes from BatBrain so something confused BatBrain to return that number instead of the real one somewhere after the initial load of WHAM and BatBrain parsing monster stats.
  5. Winterbay

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    That would probably be good. My one telescope I care about is fully upgraded and I only run the script to debug things. When you're level 45 things are a bit odd :) Due to Sourceforge being what it is, you already have access to do whatever :)
  6. Winterbay

    Fair enough. I looked at bumcheekascend setup and have now done things the same way (i.e. everyone has developer access to all subprojects). I hope. It should then hopefully work now, but who knows :)
  7. Winterbay

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Very probable. I have changed the one ManorBilliards to manorbilliards as the rest are. This may fix things :)
  8. Winterbay

    Right. No idea why that didn't work. Try again, and if that doesn't work I'll just ignore all kind of security thoughts and just add everyone to the Admin group and see if that works :)
  9. Winterbay

    That works :) I've added you. See if it works. If not I'll poke some more :)
  10. Winterbay

    Right. My time to code is very limited (even more so by second kid being born) and as such I'd like to know if anyone would want to help maintain this script. If yuo want to then please send me a message with your Sourceforge userID and I'll see if I can get it to work.
  11. Winterbay

    Best sushi for profit

    Right. My time to code is very limited (even more so by second kid being born) and as such I'd like to know if anyone would want to help maintain this script. If yuo want to then please send me a message with your Sourceforge userID and I'll see if I can get it to work.
  12. Winterbay

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    Right. My time to code is very limited (even more so by second kid being born) and as such I'd like to know if anyone would want to help maintain this script. If yuo want to then please send me a message with your Sourceforge userID and I'll see if I can get it to work.
  13. Winterbay

    Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)

    Right. My time to code and play is getting even more limited (kid number two was born on Friday) and so I have added Crowther as a maintainer as well now that Sourceforge is back up. If anyone else is willing to help out maintaining the script please send me a message with your Sourceforge...
  14. Winterbay

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    I use the following alias: bcasc_set => ash string what = $string[%%]; set_property("bcasc_stage_"+what, my_ascensions()); Call it with bcasc_set <name of stage> (so "bcasc_set 8bit" for the 8-bit realm).
  15. Winterbay

    Sourceforge downtime -- discussion of alternatives

    Thanks. Those commands are great if you run a command line interface and whatnot, but I'm very Windows-bound and doesn't really like the command line (I guess I could learn for this context, I mean I did start out with DOS/Win3.11). The beauty of the SVN-setup I have is that I can do my edits in...
  16. Winterbay

    Sourceforge downtime -- discussion of alternatives

    My five cents: As a person who likes coding but has never had to use any kind of version-system apart from the SVN I use for my scripts I think that I would prefer to not have to learn GIT. I tried once (setting it up to modify an opensource android app) and I could not for the life of me figure...
  17. Winterbay

    Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)

    Having now run, since I had logged in to verify the script, my first turns in like forever I can say that it appears to have had no negative side effects of running a lazy farming script on a level 34 Sacueror :)
  18. Winterbay

    Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)

    I have added this, or at least I think so, to WHAM Beta (very limited testing and I don't want to break WHAM with my lack of time). At first run it should set a new boolean zlib-setting WHAM_Continue_CCS which defaults to false. It does compile, but it's not tested any further than that.
  19. Winterbay

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Any improvement on my Twin Peaks code is probably good since that was done way before Mafia had preferences for it and those tend to be better in the long run anyway :)
  20. Winterbay

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    The last update was in February :) I don't have much time to play nor code so nothing much is happening unless very important or I happen to have time as was the case now. Script updated to look for the "r" in the second position of the word "prime" as it probably should've all along :)