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  1. lostcalpolydude

    Bug Ensure buffer of 3 unknown paths

    Seems like the code should be better about handling paths that aren't pre-listed, rather than relying on a buffer of 3 (completely arbitrary) unknown paths. Perhaps all of those Path-returning functions should return UNKNOWN (id -1) when the value doesn't exist in the maps. Alternatively...
  2. lostcalpolydude

    Bug - Fixed Lucky Gold Ring thinks the Halloweiner Volcoino is a LGR Volcoino Drop

    That... shouldn't happen. The code to set "_luckyGoldRingVolcoino" checks for it dropping from combat. If that's not working for some reason, then there's a bigger issue.
  3. lostcalpolydude

    Bug Gelatinous Noob absorbed enchantments persist through logout

    What are you trying to accomplish with resetModifiers()? I suspect that everything you are hoping for is already in the reset() call above that.
  4. lostcalpolydude

    Bug bug + feature: adding a way to assert that a path starts with ROOT_LOCATION

    Given that the code assumes scripts have unique names, and also given the effort to prevent any access to files outside of KoLmafia's directories, my first assumption would be that any leading ../ is stripped away before further processing. I know I added something like that in at least one...
  5. lostcalpolydude

    questL12War steps?

    The settings you want all start with 'sidequest', easy enough to find with prefref once you know that.
  6. lostcalpolydude

    Bug - Not A Bug r20800 - debug log when starting relay browser Some googling tells me that this is due to failing to find an IP address. Sounds like a temporary network issue on your end that can't be prevented.
  7. lostcalpolydude

    Feature - Implemented property or function to detect when in a casual ascension

    Does that mean you don't want to provide the same warning to someone who (foolishly) spends 1000 turns in The Noob Cave to break ronin and then runs autoscend?
  8. lostcalpolydude

    Feature - Implemented property or function to detect when in a casual ascension

    That value is not even checked by mafia. In general, can_interact() should be equivalent. No one has previously expressed an interest in knowing whether an ascension started out as Casual. Seems like it only matters if you're planning to do a 1-day casual and then a non-casual ascension in the...
  9. lostcalpolydude

    Feature - Implemented property or function to detect when in a casual ascension

    I have no recollection of that setting ever existing. A forum search only turns up this thread. Perhaps a script was creating that setting?
  10. lostcalpolydude

    It is possible to automatically open the chat when login with KolMafia?

    No. That does the same as what fronobulax suggested, which isn't what they want.
  11. lostcalpolydude

    Bug Mafia doesn't know hippy variant recipie for Vampagne or Blood-soaked sponge cake

    It is currently impossible to have multiple supported recipes for a single end result. Perhaps someone will be motivated to refactor the underlying code and make that work, but so far that limitation has persisted through at least one major revamp of crafting code.
  12. lostcalpolydude

    Feature create() function supporting multi-recipe items

    It is currently impossible to have multiple supported recipes for a single end result. Perhaps someone will be motivated to refactor the underlying code and make that work, but so far that limitation has persisted through at least one major revamp of crafting code.
  13. lostcalpolydude

    Feature ChoiceManager refactor

    That's why, for better or worse, the code currently exists in GenericRequest. So perhaps it could be handled better, but the current code structure allows for handling all of those things, and all of those listed cases are from newer content that hasn't been added.
  14. lostcalpolydude

    Feature ChoiceManager refactor

    I expect that queue tracking was meant to be code that didn't require everything to be coded explicitly. I can certainly see that tracking being improved if there is knowledge about whether every option from every choice takes a turn. Along the way, turns_spent tracking can probably have (some...
  15. lostcalpolydude

    Bug Numberology wrong number

    Not really, except that manual adventuring (charpane.php) and automated adventuring (api.php) load with different timings, basically guaranteeing different results. That type of thing created edge cases for tracking turns_spent that I gave up on trying to fix.
  16. lostcalpolydude

    Bug Numberology wrong number

    Is your script a Post-Adventure script? I think I tried doing that for a little while, but the timing of charpane loading would affect the results inconsistently so I stopped doing that.
  17. lostcalpolydude

    Bug - Fixed Moxie magnet doesn't work on Left-Hand Man but maximizer recommends it.

    After about 15 minutes of digging around... In modifiers.txt, some things have "Moxie Controls MP", or "Moxie May Control MP". Find that in, see that it corresponds with MOXIE_CONTROLS_MP in the list of int values just above, and then you can see where that is used later on in...