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  1. lostcalpolydude

    Bug - Fixed Steely-Eyed Squint is being counted twice for +item, causing infinite bloat

    I feel like some of the code was there to handle predictions (from the Maximizer) as opposed to current calculations for effects on hand. I haven't set up an IDE since the transition to github, so I'm not in a position to even try looking at it.
  2. lostcalpolydude

    Bug - Fixed Steely-Eyed Squint is being counted twice for +item, causing infinite bloat

    I agree that the code was confusing, when I made it work (I haven't looked at it in a while). To the point where I was surprised that having two doubling effects worked correctly, but since it was working I stopped touching it.
  3. lostcalpolydude

    Bug $monster[ancient protector spirit] incorrect id and name

    You can fetch any real monster with just the ID.
  4. lostcalpolydude

    Bug $monster[ancient protector spirit] incorrect id and name

    I suppose you want to get an error instead, since there are four different monsters (five really, but one is unavailable) that ambiguously have that name? Those are the relevant lines from monsters.txt (with the rest of each line removed because it doesn't matter here). So, what result are you...
  5. lostcalpolydude

    New Content Quantum Familiar Support

    It has nothing to do with that path, or any particular KoL change. It's a rare KoL glitch that makes items not show up in various places, until a quick backend thing is done to make them show up again. It is generally met with about 20 bug reports in 5 minutes (as well as being mentioned in...
  6. lostcalpolydude

    Mystery message about rollover in chat. What could cause it?

    It has nothing to do with KoLmafia. (Feel free to speculate about other causes, if that's fun.)
  7. lostcalpolydude

    Bug - Fixed Relay browser has a broken combat action bar.

    It was broken for me initially, but it is working fine now.
  8. lostcalpolydude

    Bug - Not A Bug Mafia has broken something Post r25995

    This would be a change in 26000 that CHIT needs to be updated to handle. In the mean time, you'll need to disable your charpane script to view effects.
  9. lostcalpolydude

    Bug - Fixed beGregariousCharges increments incorrectly if consuming multiple extro

    I decided I would try my hand at updating things for the first time since the transition to github. So I created a pull request using the in-line editor at github, and that's probably ready to just approve.
  10. lostcalpolydude

    Feature - Implemented well_stocked ASH function

    The fact that this is seems to be reasonably spaded and seems to be a thing people want to control makes me feel like I should push in /dev for it to not be a thing that KoL uses. On KoL's end, it was only ever meant to work in the context where people didn't know how it works. If adding this...
  11. lostcalpolydude

    Bug Weapon and Spell Damage counting errors, maximizer

    "spell damage, -spell damage percent" should work for that.
  12. lostcalpolydude

    Excavator - gausie's spading script

    I think that happens with every github-hosted script, that trying to visit the URL in a web browser that is used for checkout gives a 404. Trimming the URL to remove any trunk gives a useful page.
  13. lostcalpolydude

    Bug - Fixed Ascending set timesRested value to bad value

    Correcting to 1 less than the limit after incorrectly being set to above the limit is expected behavior (unrelated to recent changes).
  14. lostcalpolydude

    r25755 - Use consequences.txt for more item description parsing than we once w… …ere (fia/pull/94']#94)

    My tools are not even close to set up to do more than compile and run these builds currently... Are these variable equipments being checked at every login, even if they never change?
  15. lostcalpolydude

    Bug - Fixed [NPE introduced in r25754, fixed in r25757] net.sourceforge.kolmafia.swingui.ItemManageFrame could not be loaded

    You may have Java 17 on your system, but KoLmafia is using Java 8 to run, according to the debug log you posted.
  16. lostcalpolydude

    Bug - Not A Bug Mafia thinks I need Ouija Board, Ouija Board to cast Spiky Shell, but I don't.

    That is intentional. When you have no restrictions (in a Casual ascension, for instance), KoLmafia is attempting to save resources/server hits by requiring you to have the most effective "easy" item on hand. The cost is trivial (4500 right now) and one time.
  17. lostcalpolydude

    My script suddenly stopped working

    while(get_clan_id() != 90485) A first step would be to have the script print what it thinks get_clan_id() is in that block. And if something weird is happening with that, then there's also get_clan_name() to try.
  18. lostcalpolydude

    Bug - Fixed trying to use mall_price in a choice adventure stack overflow

    Don't worry, historical prices were not a consideration in my fix. I just made sure that if you're adventuring (in a fight or choice) there won't be any server hits when attempting to get a mall price.