The script always passes a filter to run_combat() to run it's own combat script so at the moment there isn't a quick and dirty way to have not use it's logic. This is something I was going to look into because yeah I agree the combat handling, especially for moxie classes, is not super great.
I was thinking about doing this, I have a bunch of similiar local changes to cc_ascend already. I'll see about what was done in your repo vs my local changes and make a pull request when I have some free time.
Mind sharing the relevant nginx config? I was trying to reverse proxy the relay browser from my server a while ago and I was having trouble getting it to work.
The choice adventure number is 1339 and you can walk away from it. If mafia is going to support creating the sausages the best way would probably be to create dense meat stacks\meat stacks\meat pastes and grind those, the price is 111*(N+1), where N is the number of sausages you have created...
Purchases right click "Go To Store..." NullPointerException if store is a coinmaster
Minor issue, right-click 'Go To Store...' on a coinmaster is trying to open a mall store page and hitting a NullPointerException.
class java.lang.NullPointerException: nulljava.lang.NullPointerException
I've been trying to fill out my consumption history recently and I noticed this when I ran 'eat bone meal' in the cli:
Verifying ingredients for bone meal (1)...
Searching for "bone chips"...
Search complete.
Purchasing bone chips (6 @ 500)...
Purchasing bone chips (10 @ 623)...
I've updated this to support additional familiars that repeatedly drop items such as XO Skeleton & Intergnat, and familiars that drop an item a small percentage of the time such as the Obtuse Angel dropping time's arrows. It also supports Puck Man & Ms. Puck Man as well.
I might be missing some...
This isn't a huge deal as I can call buy() manually but I would have expected acquire to attempt to buy from the mall if _internetPrintScreenButtonBought is true.
> acquire print screen button
Verifying ingredients for print screen button (1)...
Purchasing print screen button (1 @ 111...
Would you be able to to put free runs, banishes, & instakills in a separate section (or group them)? I'm finding it difficult to keep track of all of my available uses in aftercore as the Resources section is filled with a bunch of random stuff.
Yeah that's because mafia tracks those monsters as 'factory worker (male)' and 'factory worker (female)' to prevent ambiguity but those names don't match the kol name. Since that information isn't stored for cheesefax when mafia loads the xml the name doesn't match and that entry is ignored...
You should call can_faxbot(monster) before trying to fax anything:
> ash $monster[factory worker (female)].can_faxbot()
Returned: false
There are a number of monsters that are in the fax network that aren't exposed in the xml file the faxbots are providing so mafia won't be aware of...
I updated batfactors.txt to have basic support for A New Habit, it doesn't know about the stat gain but should allow it to be cast now if you have turns of Habituated.
Quantum Movement's image quantummovement.gif is missing from the skill record.
I also checked the other 3 skills with missing images (Gingerbread Mob Hit, A New Habit, & Hugs and Kisses!) but all of those are the placeholder image in kol so nothing to do there.
If you go to the SongBoom™ BoomBox choice adventure (#1312) and select a song when you have 0 selections left boomBoxSong is incorrectly updated to whatever song you picked. Visiting the choice adventure again will correct the setting.
When picking any song (including your current one) when...
I figured out the banished element issue:
kolmafia\svn\balefull-raidlog-parser-branches-master>svn diff
Index: relay/clan_raidlogs.ash
--- relay/clan_raidlogs.ash (revision 3)
+++ relay/clan_raidlogs.ash (working copy)...