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  1. Rinn

    New Content name change form

    does this change the login account name or just display name? is the old name shown anywhere? i'm guessing player id doesn't change?
  2. Rinn


    They're open in a AoSoL run but close on breaking the prism if you don't have the iotm.
  3. Rinn


    Could have been patched out maybe.
  4. Rinn


    It doesn't appear that silent treatment works on the shadow rift bosses, I got the "You give it the silent treatment, but it doesn't really care what you think, so it's not at all effective." message against a shadow tongue when running the script: [491] Shadow Rift (The Hidden City) Preference...
  5. Rinn

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Shocking Lick preference doesn't change

    The combat log in the first post looks to be where there was a shocking lick charge and it was a successful free kill but the pref didn't decrement. They didn't provide the log for the subsequent attempt where the cast failed when the pref was out of sync with kol, I'm assuming this here since...
  6. Rinn

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Shocking Lick preference doesn't change

    garbo checks that preference to determine if it wants to use shocking lick as a free kill source, so if it wasn't decremented to 0 it will try and use it again and fail
  7. Rinn

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Shocking Lick preference doesn't change

    I think he's saying when it was 1 it didn't decrement on skill usage, and he set it to 0 to prevent the script from further trying to cast another shocking lick when it didn't have a charge.
  8. Rinn

    Feature - Implemented Prefs file backup/restore Draft PR

    no i just reverted my entire mafia folder so i lost it
  9. Rinn

    Feature - Implemented Prefs file backup/restore Draft PR

    No, but it wasn't bad characters at the beginning. It was just all the settings were reset back to default and any properties not set by mafia were completely deleted.
  10. Rinn

    Feature - Implemented Prefs file backup/restore Draft PR

    I had my preferences get completely reset a few days ago while mafia was left running. I was running headless cli mode and in a combat in the relay browser and left for long enough to get logged out and when I opened the relay browser again all my preferences got reset to default when mafia...
  11. Rinn

    Feature RFC: script dependency remapping

    If the option was to migrate something to sourceforge to keep it svn or fork it on github and fix it, i'd never chose to put anything back on sourceforge.
  12. Rinn

    Feature RFC: script dependency remapping

    fair enough
  13. Rinn

    Feature RFC: script dependency remapping

    To prepare for github dropping svn support I've been thinking about how to deal with repos that don't update and the dependencies will no longer be able to be resolved and how we could work around that. I'd like some feedback before I make any additional changes. I was thinking to add something...
  14. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed Crimbo Training skills appear to not have correct numeric modifiers set up

    The colon would make sense because that's used to split the modifier type and the value, and if that's also splitting the skill name string it would probably explain this.
  15. Rinn

    Bash based auto-updater/launch script for Linux

    #!/bin/bash pushd ${TMPDIR-/tmp} echo Downloading new versions of kolmafia... MAFIA_RELEASE=$(curl --fail --silent --globoff '' | jq --raw-output '.assets[] | select(.browser_download_url | contains(".jar")).browser_download_url') if...
  16. Rinn

    My scripts: svn -> git

    Maybe mafia could make some assumptions when satisfying dependencies with existing git installs given the svn id vs the git id. Like for all the Ezandora scripts I have installed via git where a dupe got installed via svn the only differences is the additional "-branches" text in the id: > git...
  17. Rinn

    charsheet.php - Group Skills by Character Class

    I've moved this to it's own repo so git checkout works, please see the first post.
  18. Rinn

    FamiliarDrops - Get profitable drops from familiars

    Moved to it's on repo so git checkout works.
  19. Rinn

    acquireBuff - Get a buff from a buffbot

    Migrated this to it's own git repo so git install works, url is updated in the first post.
  20. Rinn

    Accessing hosted webpage on another device

    You need to: set relayAllowRemoteAccess to true run the cli command 'relay nobrowser' once per session to initialize the relay brower. After which you should be able to access the relay browser if the host & port is reachable.