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  1. Rinn

    Feature - Rejected Track Black Day and Sleazy Jellied npc discounts

    That's a fair point, I'm convinced.
  2. Rinn

    Feature - Rejected Track Black Day and Sleazy Jellied npc discounts

    > ash have_skill($skill[five finger discount]) Returned: true > ash npc_price($item['Villa' document]) Returned: 95000000 > equip trav trousers Putting on Travoltan trousers... Equipment changed. > ash npc_price($item['Villa' document]) Returned: 90000000 > up black day...
  3. Rinn

    Feature - Implemented Conspiracy Island Quest Tracking

    Just a heads up that there is an existing Conspiracy Island script (however I can't comment on how well it functions)
  4. Rinn

    BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts

    Is there anything preventing multiple sixgun usage in a fight? I have a consult script using batbrain where I tell it to use a porquoise-handled sixgun then in a later round attack_action() returns a hamethyst-handled sixgun and the combat aborts due the second sixgun being unusable.
  5. Rinn

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Probably not, you may want to check out cc_ascend as a replacement (but be warned it's probably more suited for high gear\skill accounts).
  6. Rinn

    Feature - Implemented GZip Support for Session Logs

    I do this with a post-run bash script. Here are some stats: Size: 1 820 349 739 Packed Size: 53 461 743 Folders: 0 Files: 3 213 CRC: 80C172DA ---------------------------- Path: Dropbox\kolmafia\sessions\Epicgamer.7z Type: 7z Physical Size: 53 501 753 Headers Size: 40 010 Method: LZMA2:26 Solid...
  7. Rinn


    None of the fantasy realm +rubee effects or boss requirement effects can be wished for (I just verified): * Fortunate, Son * Faerie Fortune * Heroic Fortune * Fantasy Faerie Blessing * Brewed Up * Poison For Blood * Fantastical Health Maybe another google sheet for effects spading?
  8. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed Sidebar resizing and showing 'no familiar' every few seconds in Ed the Undying run

    I took a video to show this: Mafia version r18688 Java JRE version 10.0.1+10 Win10 version 10.0.16299 Build 16299
  9. Rinn

    New Content - Implemented G Lover

    oh haha yeah my bad
  10. Rinn

    New Content - Implemented G Lover

    I think there's an issue with the coinmaster, looks like The Pokemporium is appearing twice and G-Mart isn't appearing in the list at all. Acquiring items does seem to work though. > coinmaster to_coinmaster( "G-Mart" ) Invalid coinmaster command. > acquire gin and ginger Verifying...
  11. Rinn

    New Content - Implemented Pokefam

    maximize with +switch attempts to equip a familiar and aborts in pokefam: > ash my_path() Returned: Pocket Familiars > maximize adv, +switch Disembodied Hand, +switch Trick-or-Treating Tot Maximizing... 64 combinations checked, best score 35.00 Taking Trick-or-Treating Tot the...
  12. Rinn

    New Content - Implemented Pokefam

    They were bundling bloatware in with open source application installers for a while but honestly I'm not sure it seems like github cannibalized most of their user base years ago so there's probably a lot fewer people left around using the service to complain.
  13. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed Mafia not tracking Happy Medium siphons

    I believe this was fixed with r18478.
  14. Rinn

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Breakfast and breakfast script does not trigger on login

    This is most likely caused by the svn update hang (as breakfast runs after) described here
  15. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed NoSuchMethod error in CommandQueueHandler when updating svn

    If it's not a defect in svnkit I was thinking it would be prudent to just catch the exception from the svn call and let it fail gracefully without updating the affected repo if this is just going to continue being a problem in the future.
  16. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed NoSuchMethod error in CommandQueueHandler when updating svn

    I was going to look into this but I had just deleted my local mafia code do to a fresh sync and there's some real irony where svn is timing out when I do the svn update.
  17. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed NoSuchMethod error in CommandQueueHandler when updating svn

    Okay I'm really not surprised if this is sourceforge having issues. I made a commit to mafia and the build failed with a bunch of svn errors and when I went to sourceforge to look at the revision page...
  18. Rinn

    Bug - Fixed NoSuchMethod error in CommandQueueHandler when updating svn

    It looks like in JDK8 ByteBuffer inherited the clear() function from java.nio.Buffer and returned a Buffer object but in JDK9 clear() is overridden to return a ByteBuffer, so who knows what else could have changed that would expose this. Ryo_Sangnoir's guess about the new build server is...
  19. Rinn

    Bug - Not A Bug svn update broken

    edit: nm this is a dupe of closing this, please add any additional info to the other thread if it would be helpful