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  1. StDoodle

    Destroy All Monsters

    I thought DAM just listed the cheapest option for reference, not actually used it unless it worked ok.
  2. StDoodle

    Help with extracting a portion of a string

    For limiting server hits for scripts that do extensive parsing of page text, what I've done in the past is make use of a global string [string] map, which is page text keyed by url. Then, I use a cached_url() function that returns the results of visit_url() if the page has yet to be visited and...
  3. StDoodle

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Seems to have issues when doing the Desert if you have a small number of adventures (not enough for this "stage," but >0, perhaps?): The following looped repeatedly until I aborted manually: Visit to Beach: Desert (Ultrahydrated) in progress... Ran out of adventures. BCC: Preparing Food...
  4. StDoodle

    New Content - Implemented January Stuff

    Yeah, sorry, I had no idea there would be so much extra stuff along with that one guy (I still don't have either of them, just the book). I didn't want to spam the bug-reporting thread with three different posts... but that would probably have been much better in retrospect. Rest assured that if...
  5. StDoodle

    St. Doodle's Clan Management

    Heh, the irony is that I don't think I use that function anymore; but since I released versions of scripts that depend on it, I don't want to take it out. :( Edit to add: though I should probably change it to return rnum(parameter).
  6. StDoodle

    headless/unattended operation

    Yup, exactly; a few of the my_SOMETHING() functions return a blank string when no characters are logged in, which is never a valid result for a logged-in character, so you can test logged-in-edness (totally a word) that way.
  7. StDoodle

    headless/unattended operation

    You could even use the same script for manual and automated adventuring if you wanted by adding a check for my_name() == "" before the login (and probably save the results of that for figuring auto-logout too).
  8. StDoodle

    Bug - Fixed When logging in, main frame displayed before it is fully created

    FWIW, I've had this too, but by the time it registers (with me), KoLmafia has finished loading and is up to normal size, so I never really gave it much thought.
  9. StDoodle

    St. Doodle's Clan Management

    Oh doh! I moved some functions from std_lib to Clan_Management, so I had to change the import... nice catch.
  10. StDoodle

    StDoodle's Clan Plugins

    [Reserved for future use]
  11. StDoodle

    StDoodle's Clan Plugins

    StDoodle's Meat & Items v1.0 What's it do? This plugin script handles checking for meat-related activity in the stash log, including meat paste & stacks and dense meat stacks put in or taken out by any clan member. Designed to be easily copy-pastable into a spreadsheet for tracking clan debt...
  12. StDoodle

    StDoodle's Clan Plugins

    General Info Clan Plugins are scripts that are designed to be called as tabs from StDoodle's Clan Management. These scripts extend the informational / management abilities of that core script. This isn't to say you couldn't find a way to make use of them on your own, but doing so won't be...
  13. StDoodle

    New Content - Implemented KoL's fullness counter in charpane

    I don't get it either; in real life, I find people are very rarely off by much with their own estimates on how full or hungry they are (hyperbolic, sometimes, but they usually seem to know). However, it's not at all unheard of for a horribly drunk person to insist they're perfectly fine. Yet in...
  14. StDoodle

    StDoodle's Dungeon Parser

    Dungeon Data File You may want to refer to the enclosed data file and follow along. Note that to use it (and the script will abort if it isn't found), it should be put in the same "data" sub-directory used for other files, which should be named "Std_Clan_Mngmt_" + [url-encoded clan name]...
  15. StDoodle

    StDoodle's Dungeon Parser

    StDoodle's Dungeon Parser v1.6 Requires KoLmafia r11552 Who's it For? This script is primarily for those in charge of distributing basement loot for their clan. It can also be used in a similar manner to the raid log manager, but much slower to parse and without as many nifty features. Note...
  16. StDoodle

    Universal Recovery Script

    Bale just forgot how Amnesia works. :p
  17. StDoodle

    Automatic Script Updating... Discuss!

    Yeah, I've actually contemplated that before, and even toyed around with it a little. There are some major complications; line breaks, tabs, and special characters can get tricky, and it's a royal PITA getting any heavily htmlform.ash-dependent script working, but it can be done. If I had...
  18. StDoodle

    Automatic Script Updating... Discuss!

    We already have the "script" identifier that must be included at / near the top of the script (after "imports" only, I believe off-hand) when used. We could probably add a "version" identifier that had to take a set format and follow immediately after, so that whatever system was in place could...
  19. StDoodle

    Feature - Implemented ASH Function to Check Name of Script

    Ooh, I'd been wondering how this worked with imports for a while, so I tested with two scripts; one script returned the string of __FILE__ in a funciton, and was imported into the other, and both reported their own script's name. Awesome! I could swear there was another hidden variable that was...
  20. StDoodle

    Feature - Implemented User Input w/ timed default

    That could also be use in conjunction with various relay scripts that set up more complicated settings; "I see you're using the defaults, would you like to tweak them first?" kind of thing. Seems like a great compromise between "user_confirm() is just an annoyance that breaks the whole point of...