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  1. StDoodle

    Bug - Fixed black_market_available()

  2. StDoodle

    Bug - Fixed black_market_available()

    This function is returning true for a level 5 character in Hardcore using r10474. Occurred in earlier build as well (unsure which at this point); logged out, got latest daily, logged back in and still seeing this behavior.
  3. StDoodle

    Bug Modifier Maximizer isn't maximizing

    You don't by any chance have a familiar with you that can at least sometimes do weight-based hot damage do you? Figuring not, but just want to check for sure.
  4. StDoodle

    Feature Daily Activities

    I know this would be a bit more work, but with the way things have been moving in KoL, I wonder if it might be a bit easier to follow in the long run if an entirely new settings file were added specifically for "resets daily" preferences. There's just such an ungodly number of things of that...
  5. StDoodle

    Universal Recovery Script

    Bale, don't forget about the numerous situations in which you can encounter an out-of-zone enemy (holidays, arrow'd monsters, etc.). For this reason alone I think any such functionality should be user-selectable, at least. Edit to avoid double-post: But, if you wanted to add in some kind of...
  6. StDoodle

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    The script hadn't used your only ranged weapon to make an Epic you couldn't yet equip either, right?
  7. StDoodle

    Scripting the birth of a new life.

    Ooh please! Brick anyone in HCN if you can, we'd love you forever! (Bale is a good bet, as the script's author, but I could distribute them well.)
  8. StDoodle

    Trimming the builds list

    The issue was string sort vs. numerical sort; the "1" was considered smaller than the "9."
  9. StDoodle

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    That makes sense, as you won't get the halo bonus with a weapon equipped at all, so maximizing for items would mean no weapon if halo bonus > weapon bonuses for +item. I'd probably suggest noting that characters who can't handle fighting unarmed not summon non-time halos from clip art.
  10. StDoodle

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Ok, I gotta take this a little out-of-order, apologies. First off, I didn't realize that the script mostly used my CCS; this appears to be a fail on my part to RTFM. :( For reference, do you have a handy list of all the places where the script doesn't do so? Ancillary to the above, can such...
  11. StDoodle

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Weatherboy, the script will still make sure you're at safe moxie before adventuring, so a more adventurous combat script will be mostly superfluous. I agree it would be nice to be able to specify "I can handle X out-of-safe moxie just fine," but can easily see how that would be non-trivial to...
  12. StDoodle

    Feature - Rejected remove warning in the boss bat lair while the boss bat is banished

    That was only one of the concerns; the other involves being able to set the MCD, but only when the Boss Bat is able to show, and only see warnings at "appropriate" times.
  13. StDoodle

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    A few quick thoughts that aren't really specific enough for a feature request / bug report, but that I'd love to hear BCC's thoughts on: 1) Moar mimic. :P Actually, more of any starfish-type would be awesome. I know I can set one as a default familiar, but it doesn't appear that the script does...
  14. StDoodle

    Feature JSON in ash scripts

    To be fair, I personally lean toward the idea of "if mafia already has ways of parsing json built-in that would be easy enough to expose to ash functions, this would be aweseom; if it would be a great deal of work to do so... meh" philosophy. ;)
  15. StDoodle

    Feature JSON in ash scripts

    FWIW, though I can't for the life of me remember why, I do recall considering making this request myself at some point. I think I was hoping for some clan info from api.php, which doesn't look likely, but still... I could see the use, certainly.
  16. StDoodle

    Recovering KoL password from mafia?

    This probably didn't help with coming across reasonably... since you were basically saying that the devs did something wrong, when in fact they were following industry best practices.
  17. StDoodle

    JSON in ash scripts

    Not in ash, but I do believe one of the devs mentioned in a previous thread somewhere that it wouldn't be too terribly difficult to expose the internal JSON parsing function to ash (ie it wouldn't be hard to add them, as most of the code is already there). Could probably make a feature request...
  18. StDoodle

    dumping 'session results' to log file?

    Mafia automatically creates file logs of your sessions; should be in the "sessions" directory. If you want to analyze them with a mafia ASH script, you can employ session_logs().
  19. StDoodle

    Going on vacation, need help.

    Hey, you the same guy who just popped back into HCN? Anyway, slyz's advice works for most stuff. For clip art, if there are specific items you want, you can just do "acquire 1 THING" as a line for each clip art item to summon.
  20. StDoodle

    Feature - Implemented Composable Moods

    Added to wiki's To-Do List for reference. (No time to think about formatting at the moment, so I put a reference there instead.)