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  1. StDoodle

    how does sort work?

    Oh, you're such a cdr.
  2. StDoodle

    how does sort work?

    Not if your first language was a Lisp-derivative! (Mine was, and that was one of the few intermediate things that was intuitive to me.) :P
  3. StDoodle

    how does sort work?

    You should probably use an additional key, or a record, in such a case. It helps to think of maps as a list of locations of data objects, with specific data at each location. Yes, sometimes you can save time / energy / code by using the location itself as data, but if you need to manipulate your...
  4. StDoodle

    Feature - Implemented allow kolmafia to handle ash bundles

    This would be super-mega-awesomesauce; external css & js is so much easier to maintain, but the headache for users is... appreciable. I can see this being difficult to implement in a reliably cross-platform way, though. Maybe...
  5. StDoodle

    Feature - Implemented ash my_clan()

    Oh man, I missed a good chunk of this thread... if Veracity, or anyone else, wants an on-again off-again whitelist for testing purposes, feel free to get a hold of me and I can arrange that for HCN easily enough, if that helps at all.
  6. StDoodle

    Script Registry -- for script authors; track your script usage

    I'm midwest (Michigan), and it's always rhymed width "judge" when I've heard it. *shrug*
  7. StDoodle

    Who collects what?

    Oh damnit I never noticed... well naturally I hadn't gotten around to setting up a dc shelf or anything, so... meh.
  8. StDoodle

    Who collects what?

    Ok, my scripting and other help have both been wanting of late, but if it is ok I'd still like in on this if deemed worthy. ;) So what, after all this time, have I finally decided to collect? Procrastination potions! Hah. (It wasn't even my idea, it came from another clannie. So true, so true...)
  9. StDoodle

    Script Registry -- for script authors; track your script usage

    Sadly, the habits foisted on me by modern advertising have resulted in a hard-g for the first, most of the time. But if I think about it, I usually try for the classic "soft" pronunciation. Like the ancient Greeks, or better yet, Doc Brown. ;)
  10. StDoodle

    Bug - Fixed kolmafia failing to login/open

    Heh, that'd probably be why my attempt to merge resulted in a database error. (Something more helpful like "this thread no longer exists at that location" would be nice though...)
  11. StDoodle

    eclipse setup, tricks, etc

    Needs a wiki! Also, I should read this one of these days... I may well be the individual most involved with KoLmafia who's never even attempted to contribute to the code. ;)
  12. StDoodle

    Problem: MAFIA only works when run as ADMIN. or A Return to Noobville.

    It's a change (for the better) in the Windows security model. In order for programs to run from those locations, they require an admin to give them the ok. Back in XP, you almost certainly were an admin, since all accounts were by default. They no longer are. Your only options are really to...
  13. StDoodle

    ROFL -- Ridiculously Overelaborate Function Library

    In case I fail to get it to work, I need some advice. I assume it's because I can't find mafia version NaN. How do I divide my mafias by 0?
  14. StDoodle


    So if you were rounding to whole numbers, you'd leave 11.02 as-is? ;)
  15. StDoodle

    Bug - Fixed PvP allegiance broke clan snapshots

    Sorry Bale, was totally planning to help with the eyeball count while going for the lv30 Boris trophy. In Hardcore. Then realized there was a slight problem...
  16. StDoodle

    Files and maps and arrays, oh my!

    Trust me, my clan management scripts use file_to_map() and vice-versa on maps of records that contain maps of records etc. etc., and they go both ways just fine. The only caveat I've seen as of yet is that if you get into anything that "wonky," you'll need to escape any plain tab and newline...
  17. StDoodle

    Bug - Fixed Irregular handling of floats in modifier_eval

    [voco type='moderator'] Let's keep it civil, everybody. This isn't Gameplay-Discussion. [/voco]
  18. StDoodle

    Scripting the birth of a new life.

    I would lean toward leaving in the tent setting, not just for those still doing Boris (chances are, the crowd who autosold their tent are probably done with the path), but because it's highly likely that it will be "optimal" again (probably during the other two avatar paths at least, especially...
  19. StDoodle

    Scripting the birth of a new life.

    Actually, this wasn't true in Boris; the extra meat from autoselling it toward a crumhorn was a generally-accepted at the high end as a better idea. *shrug*
  20. StDoodle

    BatMan Relay -- more info, less clicking

    Well, you could put it all on one page. Or do similar to Sally's guide and have an intro page with separate pages for the relay script info. Whatever adds buoyancy to your naval vessel. ;) But if we gave you some admin powers you'd be able to post images willy-nilly, which Bale can tell you...