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  1. gausie

    Bug - Fixed Meaning of __requestSandwichSucceeded changed?

    Have added a fix for this here:
  2. gausie

    Bug - Fixed Familiar weight mismatch on Mad Hatrack & Homemade Robot

    The wiki says that no hat means there is no buffed weight cap?
  3. gausie

    Bug - Fixed maximizer recommending I cast skills I can't actually cast

    This might also be due to my max cast refactor. Sorry if so. I can't really work on a fix this weekend.
  4. gausie

    Bug - Fixed Familiar weight mismatch on Mad Hatrack & Homemade Robot

    Right so we just need an unequipped hatrack to max at 1? Easy
  5. gausie

    Bug - Fixed Familiar weight mismatch on Mad Hatrack & Homemade Robot

    So amphibian sympathy doesn't affect it?
  6. gausie

    Bug - Not A Bug r26560 - Scripts menu missing user scripts

    If you really think this is better than adding bookmarks, ok.
  7. gausie

    Bug - Fixed Familiar weight mismatch on Mad Hatrack & Homemade Robot

    Right but that doesn't really explain "KoL = 1 KoLmafia = 15" for it. I need more information on your account state at that time.
  8. gausie

    Bug - Fixed Familiar weight mismatch on Mad Hatrack & Homemade Robot

    So weight is calculated normally by square rooting the experience
  9. gausie

    Feature Ctrl+K search pop-up

    I'd love scripts installed from git/svn to be able to define "entrypoints" in some sort of manifest that can automatically add to the Ctrl-K menu. For example, a farming script could insert into your Ctrl-K menu descriptive actions like "FarmScript: Run farming" "FarmScript: Show me lifetime...
  10. gausie

    Bug Failed to equip familiar equipment

    If your crystal ball was equipped on another familiar, why did "inv crystal" show miniature crystal ball? I thought it just checks your inventory
  11. gausie

    Bug - Fixed Familiar weight mismatch on Mad Hatrack & Homemade Robot

    Homemade Robot is now covered. You may need to manually set your homemadeRobotUpgrades pref to see that reflected. How is Mad Hatrack weight calculation different from other familiars?
  12. gausie

    Bug - Not A Bug r26560 - Scripts menu missing user scripts

    Is this is the thing that veracity has just changed?
  13. gausie

    Bug - Not A Bug r26560 - Scripts menu missing user scripts

    I think the case is that many people have grown very fond of their workarounds for a bad feature and what I'd like to hear is what people's problems are not what they'd like the solutions to be. I liked @katyarn's suggestion of being able to organise bookmarks into folders, and I can imagine...
  14. gausie

    Bug - Fixed PluralValues in Javascript, and should Effect.all be one?

    Yeah it just wants to be an array in JS
  15. gausie

    Bug - Fixed Familiar weight mismatch logging spam

    It could be GNoob related but could also be other things related. We'll sort it, thanks for working out the issue
  16. gausie

    Bug Maximizer with 1x foldable mushroom leaves slots empty

    We can probably write a test for this without having to get a character into a specific position
  17. gausie

    Bug - Fixed Familiar weight mismatch logging spam

    Can you provide any information about what familiar modifiers you have that you believe mafia isn't picking up? Otherwise we are precluded from "looking into it" through the "if possible" clause :)
  18. gausie

    Bug - Fixed "auto" button on choice.php doesn't always work

    This seems right to me - can we think of a scenario in which we'd want to see the contents of such a relay script while automating?
  19. gausie

    Bug - Fixed 26526 breaks fidoxene tracking