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  1. noxious

    Disappearing Accessories

    Quite a few people are having similar problems with gear. Check out the unofficial build section, daily build 6607, 6609, and 6611 all have references to your problem. 6607:,2070.0.html 6609:,2073.0.html 6611...
  2. noxious

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    First of all, great script! I love the customization of the warplans, works great with my plan of getting all of the medals, wossname on down. So far, I've gotten the wossname, pink heart, copper alpha, and the orange star with no problems. But when using the frat-5-beta warplan it stops at...
  3. noxious

    Pyramid completion script

    worked great ex!
  4. noxious

    Pyramid completion script

    Works good so far... One thing though... after obtaining the bronze token, the second round of 'turnings' added a condition - 2 choices left, when it should be 4. After getting 2 choice advs, it went to the next step in the lower chambers without getting the bomb. I had to call the script again...
  5. noxious

    The Undiscovered Craftery

    Thought I was having the same problem, and i was freakin a lil bit when it updated the display case (that i dont even have) for like, forever... turns out it works great. I love completionist scripts like these :)