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  1. fewyn

    Upcoming site updates

    I forgot to enable anon read access. You should be able to download from here for now until someone can update the auto downloaders (forcing SSL seems to break some of them.)
  2. fewyn

    Automatically download the newest daily build

    Hrm.... I'm forcing SSL currently on the build site. 11/8/2020 6:03:44 PM Checking for the latest version of KoLMafia... An error occurred while downloading data from Exception Message: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure...
  3. fewyn

    Upcoming site updates is back up and should be publishing new builds
  4. fewyn

    Upcoming site updates

    1. Not they did not migrate sadly. 2. There will be more colour schemes, probably in the coming days. 3. Almost finished with the build system should be Soon™
  5. fewyn

    Upcoming site updates

    That was an accident specfic to the Developer group. It's no longer required.
  6. fewyn

    Upcoming site updates

    updateprices script has been reuploaded and should be working now
  7. fewyn

    Upcoming site updates

    Permissions should be good for Developers now.
  8. fewyn

    Upcoming site updates

    All the URLs should auto redirect to the appropriate post on the new forums, I setup a rewrite addon for that for vBulletin to XenForo. Also no idea why you're getting moderated I'll look into that now.
  9. fewyn

    Upcoming site updates

    As everyone can see the forums have now been upgraded, still working on the build system and wiki.
  10. fewyn

    Upcoming site updates

    Ok, so the plan right now is to most likely convert the site tomorrow to XenForo. I'm going to be testing it in a local sandbox and I'll likely be wiping the entire VPS and just setting everything back up from scratch since we're using some pretty out of date versions due to still running this...
  11. fewyn

    Upcoming site updates

    Do we still have anything that specifically relies on the forums to work? Like specific URLs on the forums? I know we used to... but to be honest I haven't really paid much attention to that in awhile now.
  12. fewyn

    Upcoming site updates

    I'm in the process of considering changing our forum software as vBulletin 4 is pretty much EOL and the versions of PHP it runs on are also very very out of date. I'm open to suggestions, Xenforo looks like a decent option but does come with an upfront cost. I haven't looked into really any...
  13. fewyn

    Automatically download the newest daily build

    Anyone have any issues since the 13th? I'm hoping the current version it's running has been stable enough.
  14. fewyn

    Automatically download the newest daily build

    This was a problem specifically with Jenkins the program that automatically creates builds.
  15. fewyn

    Automatically download the newest daily build

    I found out the keepalivesetting is broken in the current version of Jenkins but should hopefully be fixed with an upcoming weekly build. In the mean time I think I've discovered a workaround let me know if you still run into problems.
  16. fewyn

    Automatically download the newest daily build

    Eh it's not the server itself this time it was Jenkins. There've been some major fixes since the last release pushed to stable on apt so I manually upgraded it instead. Hopefully that will fix it for now.
  17. fewyn

    Automatically download the newest daily build

    Restarted the build server again... I'm going to have to dig into the errors it's been reporting to figure out the issue. Let me know if you have any further issues.
  18. fewyn

    503s from

    Let me know if you are still having issues, I restarted the server and everything seems to be downloading fine now.
  19. fewyn

    Automatically download the newest daily build

    Looks like some kind of of process on the server had a memory leak and it killed Jenkins. I've gone ahead and restarted the server and it should be back up. Let me know if you have any further issues.
  20. fewyn

    KoL Marketplace v2.0

    It's loading here and seems to be displaying data for me now.