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  1. fewyn

    r25751 - Create OS-specific builds via jpackage (fia/pull/86']#86) * Add bin task to Gradle. This creat

    This is resolved if you run the exe as an admin, in Windows 10 the program files directory is locked down and won't allow the program to create files if not run with the right settings or admin rights. Enabling winDirChooser = 'true' and then installing it anywhere else will allow it to run as...
  2. fewyn

    r25751 - Create OS-specific builds via jpackage (fia/pull/86']#86) * Add bin task to Gradle. This creat

    Managed to get this running and installed on Windows 10 and built with Java 16 (after installing wix). Enabled adding a shortcut and turned on the console since it was erroring out. C:\Program Files\KoLmafia>KoLmafia.exe KoLmafia r25754-M Build main e18ad417d78fd8e5e69e5be5f5ad5d0187df0a54...
  3. fewyn

    r25751 - Create OS-specific builds via jpackage (fia/pull/86']#86) * Add bin task to Gradle. This creat

    I attempted to run this on Windows just to see if this would build but it doesn't seem like the build target was put in. C:\Users\fewyn\Documents\GitHub\kolmafia-mafia>gradlew.bat bin FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Task 'bin' not found in root project 'KoLmafia'...
  4. fewyn

    Bug - Not A Bug kolmafia no longer using preferred browser
  5. fewyn

    Debug logs beginning on 20210914

    That shouldn't be needed at all.
  6. fewyn

    Debug logs beginning on 20210914

    When we shut down the Sourceforge repo it seems to have locked down viewing of the repo itself. Since you are currently building for yourself you could always edit /src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/persistence/ to point to...
  7. fewyn

    Debug logs beginning on 20210914

    Basically when the script manager or the svn updater runs I think it checks if it has the latest svnrepo.json so it knows what repos/etc are.
  8. fewyn

    Debug logs beginning on 20210914

    According to the debug log you are still running Java 8. The new minimum required version is now Java 9 check out to get the latest version. I recommend you uninstall your existing JDK before you upgrade.
  9. fewyn

    r25720: You can no longer set a preferred browser for your relay browser - this is intentional

    I used to specifically use Firefox for Kolmafia to use greasemonkey scripts... not sure if anyone still does that (mostly since I've personally long moved to things that are relay scripts)
  10. fewyn

    Where do I find the latest jar?

    Sorry about that I was in the midst of trying to wrestle Jenkins into submission. It should be fine now.
  11. fewyn

    Bug Build number no longer included with information on Jenkins page

    It's because for some reason Github is double triggering builds at the moment, I don't have access to check the webhooks on the Github repo so I'm unsure if it just an incorrect setting.
  12. fewyn

    Bug - Fixed Revision number does not display at the top of mafia anymore

    Not really, adoptium is the more "open source" version while oracle's is well.... um... Oracle.
  13. fewyn

    Bug - Fixed Revision number does not display at the top of mafia anymore

    Java is one of those things that doesn't.... you typically shouldn't need to upgrade very often only if there are major security flaws but it doesn't notify you anywhere sadly. is where pretty much everyone is getting it these days
  14. fewyn

    We're moving from SourceForge to GitHub!

    In the mean time I've set the next build number to hopefully match in Jenkins. This will work as long as I don't push a manual build then I'll just need to edit the file with the build number. We're currently only keeping the past 30 builds, if anyone thinks we need to keep more let me know.
  15. fewyn

    We're moving from SourceForge to GitHub!

    I think it had something to do with the clover tests.
  16. fewyn

    We're moving from SourceForge to GitHub!

    Correct the gradle build is currently not cleaning up the dist directory of existing jars.
  17. fewyn

    We're moving from SourceForge to GitHub!

    Jenkins is currently building but not testing due to issues. So any updater scrips that were using Jenkins should work fine now.
  18. fewyn

    Bug - Fixed r20911 causes jar size regression

    jar: [jar] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Kolmafia Pipeline/build/bundled-libs.jar [jar] Building jar: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Kolmafia Pipeline/dist/KoLmafia-20914.jar [jar] Warning: selected jar files include a META-INF/INDEX.LIST which will be replaced by a...
  19. fewyn

    Feature - Implemented Adding Clover Coverage to Jenkins

    Should be good now... it's showing the correct CSP now. Except for base64 encoded images.... I'm at a loss why the data: setting isn't working.