You have two daily builds buttons? Which skin are you using? Actually let me just check all my templates to make sure I didn't forget to change something.
I have plenty of space (2tb currently available on that drive) and I have permissions for it. No idea what happened I've just moved on and begun the long process of reconfiguring everything how I like it.
Anyone else been experiencing this lately? Seems to be happening with every script I've been running.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= KoLmafia v17.6 r18149, Windows 10, Java 1.8.0_131...
For future reference for myself (in case it ever gets overwritten again) I've added --httpKeepAliveTimeout=600000 to the services file for the command to start Jenkins.
Let me know if this does not resolve the issue.
Huh... wait it's an ASH script I have. Which I seem to got from after some researching