@JH: The reason it buys one at a time is because buying an item X is only optimal if the price is at or near the price used in the calculation that selected it. Since mafia pricing uses deliberately out-of-date values, you may find that a given item can't be bought for that price (or the second...
I'm pretty slammed right now so QA is light - I'm updating the main post (but not changing version #s) with deathprog's latest, in the hopes that it'll fix the latest bugs he introduced. :)
Yeah - if you're being selective about what you want to sell, the right way to do it is sim=true. It's really not much harder than sim=false, and you get all the control you need.
Good call on the tuxworthy fixes! Next version I post will have that. And yes, I converted everything to floats already (once I had JH's profiler to show that it wouldn't nuke performance).
Error in the wiki - if you look at the page I linked to, it's 16-24. It's not editable, though, so I can't fix it on the wiki. I'll take a look at the code.
This looks super cool! Ascend.ash does set some choiceadvs. I just checked and it's nothing that would conflict with this (although a few might be redundant).
There is one big problem though: Pullcrap auto-registers itself as your preascension script, which will break this. I suggest...
Asturia - it sounds like you don't want the script to consider the cost of items you have in inventory. If so, there's a flag setting just for that. Otherwise, eatdrink gave you exactly what you asked for - the optimal spleenable given the values you attached to adventures and stats, and the...
I have no idea what code in there would possibly pull from clan stash. I wonder if it's an untended consequence of an ASH acquire (or derivative) function? It was not designed to consider the clan stash at all.