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  1. D

    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    @aqua: vprint is on the horizon, but I don't have a lot of time for script anything right now so it might take a while. The pause duration is a setting, so feel free to adjust to your heart's content (I use zero).
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    Correct. Farm generally only recognizes bonuses that Mafia knows about.
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    Vista is finicky about where you open files, making sure you have proper permissions, etc. I recommend putting it in My Docs. Then unzip it in to that folder. Also, I recommend using Windows' built in unzip, which I know works, and not WinRAR or similar, which is untested.
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    Abort: perhaps not the end of the world?

    Makes sense. OK, I will fix this in my scripts and encourage others to do so in theirs. I guess, to summarize: exit(): The script needs to stop. abort(): All scripted execution needs to stop; something has gone horribly awry. Right?
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    Abort: perhaps not the end of the world?

    This is all true but somewhat irrelevant to my point, which is that - given a script that calls abort, which I *didn't* write, it would be nice to be able to contain that script's functionality, including it's decision to self-terminate, without it bringing down the parent script.
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    Abort: perhaps not the end of the world?

    I was surprised at the "scope" of the abort command. Given: ---die.ash--- void die() { abort();} I would expect that this: import<die.ash>; die(); print("And now I'm back. I had a snack."); would never print anything. But I was surprised to find that this: cli_execute("call die.ash")...
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    Script Registry -- for script authors; track your script usage

    Neat! Good script. Make many short mail to one handy web post. Like much. Sad broke. Happy now; it works. Ble to you too!
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    PriceAdvisor: Maximize your profits

    At least you're not hydrophobic, which may not mean what you think it means.
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    One-Click Level: Automatically gain 1 level.

    You should use the version of each script that comes bundled with ascend.ash, and not update them piecemeal. There's a beta version in the second-to-last post in the ascend.ash thread that includes the most recent versions of all the subscripts, including this one.
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    Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script

    Thanks Z. That totally had me baffled. :)
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    Someone trying to profit from my work

    I appreciate everyone's conversation on this, including those who disagree. Aqua, your commentary about how ascend.ash brought you in to scripting made my day. I've nearly posted comments here several times, but I don't think I have the objective distance to contribute much. I will share a...
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    PriceAdvisor: Maximize your profits

    well, you can inline ash or serialize. step1; ash for x from 1 to 2 {cli_execute(step2)}; step3;step1; step2; step2; step3;Granted, they're not as easy to read, so you'd want a special flag to request that format. But it should work easily.
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    PriceAdvisor: Maximize your profits

    How about just making the string result cli_execute-able? It sort of looks like it already is, although I haven't played with it enough to find exceptions. Then you don't need a make_it_so flag; you can just run a script that cli_executes the results of the function (and the user can use at...
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    PriceAdvisor: Maximize your profits

    aqua - regarding make_it_so, if it was me, I'd also have a _conservative flag. If set, then it would only recommend "simple" transactions, where it would only make purchases if they could be had for a reliable price - either from an NPC, or because the mallprice was the minimum (autosellx2 I...
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    PriceAdvisor: Maximize your profits

    Aqua, this is mega awesome. Can't wait to play with it, and eventually integrate in to farm.ash (which, if you don't have the password for, PM me and I will hook you up - of course). Perhaps a future feature would be "make_it_so" - where it actually liquidates the item in the most profitable way?
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    Someone trying to profit from my work

    Someone was kind enough to forward me this unpleasant email that s/he found in his kmailbox from Byrn:
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    Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script

    Bazaare... see if this scratches your itch. :) I haven't been able to do enough QA to make it a real release but it should work, and work with the latest version of everything. Let me know if problems arise.
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    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    Terrabull: Yes, assuming you configured the settings (specifically the meat_per_adventure) as described.
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    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    ed: as I was saying, never say never. Bale's fix was not intended to be run inside a loop that evaluates every item in the game. :) Post #350 now has a fixed version.