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  1. D

    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    TFN: That helps a lot! No time to run down the bug now but that narrows it down quite a bit.
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    Contest: Name my upcoming combat script!

    Uh oh... Zarqon's going to run off with the prize and buy a bakula! ;)
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    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    It should avoid the mall automatically if you're in HC. There's a pesky bug here I can't repro since I'm in aftercore, but rerunning the script usually solves it.
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    Contest: Name my upcoming combat script!

    I had kimchee for lunch. I hope that counts for something. So did you get a talisman of bakula, or just notice the effect?
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    Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script

    It won't harm anything.
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    First Things First -- a multipurpose pre-combat consult script

    I shouldn't be confused by this, but I am - when I'm pursuing a bounty, why does FTF/SS putty the monster once, use the putty, but not re-putty the resulting monster? I should be able to get all 5 drops from one encounter, no?
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    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    Yes - I'd recommend restoring mp before running the script as a workaround.
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    Contest: Name my upcoming combat script!

    Well, if you want a recursive acronym: BATS is an automated termination script or BATON automates termination of nasties or STABATS terminating all baddies in an automated threat system or whatever.
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    Oh, yes there is: setvar("farm_skip_" + replace_string(to_string($location["a maze of sewer tunnels"])," ","_"), true);
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    @red: no, I don't think I have deep support for most areas that have outfit requirements.
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    Contest: Name my upcoming combat script!

    xKiv - I think that's Inigo, not Batman. :)
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    EatDrink.ash: Optimize your daily diet (and see how your old diet stacks up).

    Bazaaretw: Not in the near future, no, since you would have to model the entire diet to make it fit optimally within budget. And while that's useful to do for a number of reasons, it's also a fair bit of work that probably won't happen for a long time (not least of which is because I personally...
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    PriceAdvisor: Maximize your profits

    That might work! I meant something like the much uglier: "ash it it1 = item_amount($item[knob pasty]); use(1,$item[knob goblin lunchbox]); cli_execute("mallsell "+(item_amount($item[knob pasty])-it1)+" knob goblin pasty");... etc. There's probably a cleaner way. :)
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    PriceAdvisor: Maximize your profits

    So we've got a Medieval Studies major in the CS field, and a CS major whose job is Latin Languages*. This place rocks. *I am probably misremembering the thread about aqualectrix's (aqualectrices? no, that'd be two) name, in which someone who may not have actually be aqualectrix declared that...
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    PriceAdvisor: Maximize your profits

    Wow Aqua! OK, new item on the farm.ash todo list. This is super cool. Two little things: * I'm concerned enough about unintended consequences that I'm thinking about having farm.ash programmatically set the conservative flag. Thougts? * The "right" way to handle the 0/1/2/* problem is...
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    Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script

    @red - that seems like the most likely answer. I've definitely tested myst classes with it many times.
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    Thanks FN. I had no clue what was causing that. :)
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    PriceAdvisor: Maximize your profits

    Your degree in Latin?
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    Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script

    @red: so you're a muscle class under a myst sign?
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    Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script

    Tip: if you read the instructions, you'll find that it's your job to make sure you can win your fights. Ascend.ash will make sure you fight beatable monsters, but it does not handle the fights themselves for you.