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  1. Veracity

    New Content - Implemented Crimbo 2024

    The new Coinmasters are in, using new functionality that uses ShopRow objects, just like KiL does in shop.php. It's about 80% complete: - data format in coinmasters.txt - visiting a shop discovers new rows and prints them in new format - the shops appear in the CoinmastersFrame, complete with...
  2. Veracity

    New Content - Implemented Crimbo 2024

    Current progress: I've defined a new format for coinmasters that use a ShopRow object that models what KoL itself displays when visiting a modern shop. When I visit the three Crimbo25 shops, this is what is now printed: -------------------- Crimbo Cafe ROW1527 chocolate ostrich egg...
  3. Veracity

    New Content - Implemented Crimbo 2024

    I'm working on it.
  4. Veracity


    "git update" will load Ezandora's updated script that fixes that.
  5. Veracity

    Proposal: Require Java 21

    I get a warning on my terminal window with Java 21 on my Mac (macOS Sonoma 14.6.1), but everything seems to work the same as it ever was. (Once in a lifetime, water flowing underground.) $ java -jar dist/KoLmafia-28139-M.jar KoLmafia r28139-M Build main-981b593-M 21.0.5 (Eclipse Adoptium...
  6. Veracity

    Feature Familiar Tags

    Yes. We can always add more tags later, as they are discovered.
  7. Veracity

    Scripting "chat with Burly Bodyguard"

    Since visiting main.php?talktobg=1 leaves you in choice 1532, instead of visit_url("choice.php?whichchoice=1532&option=1&bgid="+mid,true); you could probably do run_choice(1, "bgid=" + mid)
  8. Veracity

    r28087 - What's Changed [*]Create JSON API for relay scripts. by ]@phulin] in

    I am very sorry to hear this. Assuming I am part of the contentious discussion, it was not ever my intent to discourage you, and I apologize for any of my behavior that had that effect. I'm sorry.
  9. Veracity

    r28087 - What's Changed [*]Create JSON API for relay scripts. by ]@phulin] in

    I read the PR comments for this commit. This PR creates the endpoint that that library will use. And what is the "endpoint"? Requests to the endpoint take two parameters, body and pwd. pwd needs to match the password hash. body is a JSON object like the following: OK. I can use to_json() to...
  10. Veracity

    r28087 - What's Changed [*]Create JSON API for relay scripts. by ]@phulin] in

    Regarding user visible features, my own practice is: 1) Often - but not always - write a Feature Request on this forum describing what I intend If so, read comments and suggestions and engage in discussion. 2) Implement it and open a PR. In the PR, the initial comment documents the user visible...
  11. Veracity

    r28087 - What's Changed [*]Create JSON API for relay scripts. by ]@phulin] in

    My new policy: For all new feature request PRs, if there is not a thread explaining exactly what the desired feature is, how it will be implemented, and providing detailed documentation of the new API (RuntimeLibrary, textui/command/*, whatever), as well as complete tests, I will...
  12. Veracity

    r28087 - What's Changed [*]Create JSON API for relay scripts. by ]@phulin] in

    Still waiting for a response. I see that textui/ has been modified. Can you provide some documentation about how scripters will be able to use this? Core changes to KolMafia need to be announced - and documented - here. Whether or not they were discussed on another forum is...
  13. Veracity

    Support for Java 21 (new LTS)?

    OK. I will try upgrading right away and try it for a month. What could go wrong? ;)
  14. Veracity

    r28087 - What's Changed [*]Create JSON API for relay scripts. by ]@phulin] in

    I have an ASH script which manipulates JSON. How do I use this? Can you update the Kolmafia Wiki, please? Thanks!
  15. Veracity

    New Content Clan Photobooth

    cheap plastic pipeBaron von Ratsworth oversized monocle on a stickPeanut giant bow tieThe Clownlord Beelzebozo feather boadrippy reveler Sheriff badgeMayor Ghost Sheriff pistolDeputy Nick Soames & Earl Sheriff moustacheChester Wow.
  16. Veracity

    missingManuel.ash - Yet Another Manuel Script!

    The comment says this: The review mentions this discord comment from cannonfire40: with this image: So, devs can see these, but there is no way to get these factoids, alas.
  17. Veracity

    New Content - Implemented Cookbookbat is Undead (at least for ZS)

    Since this appears to be a KoL change, it is New Content.
  18. Veracity

    Bug 2 Turns Tracked for 1 Turn Spent

    The other ones are safe. That one contains your encrypted (but easily decrypted) passwords. We should probably post a warning about this. Or even, if fewyn says it is possible, prevent uploading a file with that name. Your local (per-character) preferences are much more likely to have something...
  19. Veracity

    Bug 2 Turns Tracked for 1 Turn Spent

    I deleted GLOBAL_prefs.txt. Do not ever post that file.