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  1. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    OK, that all looks good. You SHOULD be able to auto-adventure via the GUI in zone 1 for 10 and it will stop without aborting and _cyberZone1Turns will be 20. I don't use garbo, but I will try manually adventuring in zone 1 until I get the NC and will then adventure via the GUI and see how it...
  2. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    OK. Here is the check for canAdventure() in a cyber zone: if ("Server Room")) { if (Preferences.getBoolean("crAlways") || Preferences.getBoolean("_crToday")) { String property = switch (this.adventureNumber) { case...
  3. Veracity


    I love this script. KoL broke it with their changes earlier this year. Fix: diff --git a/relay/place.8bit.js b/relay/place.8bit.js index 2931ec9..afc72a8 100644 --- a/relay/place.8bit.js +++ b/relay/place.8bit.js @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module.exports.main = () => { var pageText = visitUrl()...
  4. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    With Overclocked, the first 10 adventures are free. Until/unless KoL fixes its bug, the (already free) half-way NC will use one of those. After that, the next adventure - the first after the NC - will be the first to use a turn. The next 9 - including the final NC - will also use a turn. My...
  5. Veracity

    Bug - Fixed is_coinmaster_item no longer returning true for Wrecked Generator

    Well, I decided to restore the previous nicknames. Sorry! I added a shopid field to CoinmasterData and use that instead of nickname for registering shops - and I discovered quite a few errors in shops.php. That was well worth fixing, so, thanks for bringing this to my attention. And I fixed...
  6. Veracity

    Bug - Fixed is_coinmaster_item no longer returning true for Wrecked Generator

    Nickname changes are intentional; almost all of them were the shopId used by KoL, and I changed the ones that weren’t to go with that convention. It seems like early on, we made some effort to make nicknames user friendly, but later on got lazy and shrugged. I could restore ones that changed...
  7. Veracity

    My personal Meat farming script

    There are some configuration issues here. What are your goals? - clearing zone 1 gives you a (rapidly decreasing in value) selection from the Zone 1 dedigitizer schematics. You have a 1/11 chance to get the one for the 3d printed server room key, which is currently pricey, but which will...
  8. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    To be clear, I think that is the only thing we are missing for this content. If you have something else, please speak up! Thanks.
  9. Veracity

    Bug Defeat of Island War soldier after war is done talks about war progress.

    I just did my first (likely only) Avant Guard run. Shiny account. Three day HC - including Liver of Steel and the AT Nemesis quest. (I was not expecting to like it, but it was interesting enough to do once. I was not expecting all sorts of activities to progress twice as fast because the...
  10. Veracity

    Feature - Implemented Add a "Pending change in required Java version" nag message.

    I'm pretty sure that Java itself is failing to start, rather than allowing an incompatible version of KoLmafia to start up and do anything at all - such as showing a popup.
  11. Veracity

    Bug - Not A Bug Monster ID and Fax

    Cool, cool. > ash can_faxbot($monster[Astronomer (obsolete)]) Returned: true > ash can_faxbot($monster[Astronomer (obsolete)], "Easyfax") Returned: true > ash can_faxbot($monster[Astronomer (obsolete)], "OnlyFax") Returned: true > ash faxbot($monster[Astronomer (obsolete)], "Easyfax")...
  12. Veracity

    Bug - Not A Bug Monster ID and Fax

    OK, I need to neither escape or unescape; the DOM parser leaves the command in the form Easyfax needs. Fine. I'm changing the faxbot code to store available monsters by monsterId, rather than by name - and both Easyfax and OnlyFax tag all monsters by monsterId, so, cool. You need do nothing...
  13. Veracity

    Bug - Not A Bug Monster ID and Fax

    OK, this is in "list" on sourceforge: Astronomer&lt;!-- monsterid: 354 --&gt; This is in easyfax.xml: <command>Astronomer&amp;lt;!-- monsterid: 354 --&amp;gt;</command> Perhaps I need to do entityDecode on that command. Let me try that.
  14. Veracity

    Bug - Not A Bug Monster ID and Fax

    Crowther: Here are two monsters in easyfax.xml: <name>Astronomer&amp;lt;!-- monsterid: 184 --&amp;gt;</name> <actual_name>Astronomer&amp;lt;!-- monsterid: 184 --&amp;gt;</actual_name> <command>Astronomer&amp;lt;!-- monsterid: 184 --&amp;gt;</command> <category>None</category> </monsterdata>...
  15. Veracity

    Bug - Not A Bug Monster ID and Fax

    Something has changed. In native KoL chat - not even the Relay Browser: Veracity: pumpkin spice wraith<!-- monsterid: 2486 --> Easyfax: I couldn't find that monster. Please look here [link] http:// easyfax/code/HEAD/ tree/list for a list of monster names. Veracity: pumpkin...
  16. Veracity

    My personal Meat farming script

    This looks like an issue on your machine. I don't have the foggiest idea what an "unborn branch" is. What did you do when I switched VMF from svn on sourceforge to git on github?
  17. Veracity

    My personal Meat farming script

    My investigation (posted in your thread) indicates that Easyfax does provide commands that work. The issue seems to be that KoLmafia can't lookup the Easyfax monster entry by monster name. Here are two monsters with the same name - as far as KoL is concerned - but different monster IDs...
  18. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    monster data: Zone 1: Hacker: scale: 3 Process: scale: 1 defense monster: HP: 45-60 normal monster: HP: 30-40 Zone 2: Hacker: scale: 6 Process: scale: 4 defense monster: HP: 120-135 normal monster: HP: 75-90 Zone 3: Hacker: scale: 9 Process: scale: 9 defense monster: HP: 300-375 normal...
  19. Veracity

    Bug - Not A Bug Monster ID and Fax

    I noticed that Easyfax was not accepting my request. I tested this manually: In Easyfax chat tab Veracity: pumpkin spice wraith<!-- monsterid: 2486 --> Easyfax: I couldn't find that monster. Please look here [link] http:// easyfax/code/HEAD/ tree/list for a list of monster...