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  1. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    r28331 fixes sandworm fights from the apriling band tom.
  2. Veracity

    r28327 - What's Changed feat: change fact strings to be more thorough by @midgleyc in #2715 Full Changelog: r28326...r28327

    You're fighting a Mob Penguin hitman HP: 164, Atk: 149, Def: 141, Type: penguin Drops: kneecapping stick (0) Just the Facts: +3 mysticality substats Meat: 496 - 744 resulted in: You can get a little hair oil out of these guys if you squeeze them in the right spot. You gain 3 Smarm. and...
  3. Veracity

    Bug - Fixed Sometimes unable to buy limited items from Underground Fireworks Shop

    Something for me to think about: > ash buy($item[sombrero-mounted sparkler]) Searching for "sombrero-mounted sparkler"... Search complete. Returned: false > ash buy($item[rocket boots]) Purchasing rocket boots (1 @ 950)... You spent 950 Meat You acquire an item: rocket boots Purchases...
  4. Veracity

    Bug - Fixed get_workshed() no longer returning mayo clinic

    Thanks. I added a test using your html. Ryo already merged my previous commit - which fixed both the FIreworks Shop and the Mayo Clinic - so I have a new PR with nothing but a test for the Mayo Clinic. I may just merge that one myself. :)
  5. Veracity

    Bug - Fixed Sometimes unable to buy limited items from Underground Fireworks Shop

    With my (currently open for review) PR: > set _fireworksShop=false _fireworksShop => false > set _fireworksShopEquipmentBought=false > set _fireworksShopHatBought=false _fireworksShopHatBought => false > ashq visit_url("clan_viplounge.php?action=fwshop&whichfloor=2") Visiting Underground...
  6. Veracity

    Bug - Fixed get_workshed() no longer returning mayo clinic

    I see that both fwshop and mayoclinic need to examine the responseText for simple visits. I have an aftercore character with access to the Fireworks Shop, so I was able to write a test. I have an open PR which fixes the issue.
  7. Veracity

    Bug - Fixed get_workshed() no longer returning mayo clinic

    OK. I can see the issue. For NPC shops, we are no longer parsing the response unless you are actually buying something. I would not be surprised is that is the issue with the Fireworks Shop, too. I'll fix that.
  8. Veracity

    r28323 - What's Changed Add information on Just the Facts results to Location Details/Combat by @HippoKingKoL in #2707 Full Changelog: r28322...r283

    I assume this is a bug in the FactDatabase.getFact(), but I am now fighting a medusa and I see "Fact: 10". > ash $monster[medusa].fact_type Returned: hp > ash $monster[medusa].fact Returned: 10
  9. Veracity

    Bug - Fixed Sometimes unable to buy limited items from Underground Fireworks Shop

    OK. I should be able to test that. My aftercore character with access to the fireworks shop bought a hat, not an accessory, so it should still be available.
  10. Veracity

    Bug - Fixed Sometimes unable to buy limited items from Underground Fireworks Shop

    The Underground Fireworks Shop is an NPC store, not a coinmaster. 1) With a character in a clan with that shop, if I do a Mall Search for "fedora", I see a fedora-mounted-fountain available from that shop for (1 @475). I.e., limited to 1 and not greyed out. > acquire fedora-mounted fountain...
  11. Veracity

    New Content Toy Cupid Bow Preferences

    Here is test_fight_cupid_heart_necklace.html.txt I do not understand why I could not upload the .html file. I used a golden pet rock because I am in run and that is Standard compliant.
  12. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    This is why you are a Minion: you track existing bug reports and coagulate them when they are similar issues. Thank you! I am in-run - and also working on a major complicated PR - but I'll look at all of these, soonish.
  13. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    We try to set zone for item generated monsters to none. This is probably a mafia bug, but I will have to look later. Thanks!
  14. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    What the heck? Did you verify that garbo ran only 10 adventures in the zone today? You logging showed something about "relayCounters changed from 1264:Digitize Monster loc=* type=wander:watch.gif to 1271:Digitize Monster loc=* type=wander:watch.gif". Did garbo attempt to digitize monsters for...
  15. Veracity

    Bug retrieve_price bug

    I assume it would use priceToMake, which returns the lowest of crafting vs. mallbuying. Note that this, also depends on valueOfInventory, since it assumes you'll want to use items you already own. Fun fact: that is mutually recursive with priceToAcquire - priceToAcquire calls cheaperToBuy with...
  16. Veracity

    Bug retrieve_price bug

    That is exactly what it is telling you. "The cheapest way you can acquire" an item is to use one you already have; that's how retrieve_item() works. Now, if you want to acquire two, but only have one, retrieve_item() will decide whether to buy or create the second. Since you told retrieve_item...
  17. Veracity

    Bug retrieve_price bug

    This is not the "cost to create". If that is your "expectation", perhaps you should reconsider how you are using it. retrieve_price (aka priceToAcquire) is used by priceToMake is used by cheaperToBuy is used by retrieve_item. That last function (aka "acquire") only considers buying or making if...
  18. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    I finally did my test. Manually adventured for 10 times. It used 10 free turns and left _cuberZone1Turns at 10. Automated via GUI for 19. It used 10 turns and collected the prize and stopped automation with "That area is not available" when attempting the 11th. Which is exactly what I expected...
  19. Veracity

    New Content CyberRealm keycode - 2025 item of the year

    No problem. Glad it's working correctly for you!