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  1. Veracity

    Bug - Fixed backup camera out of Standard, but Item Manager and Maximizer want to pull it

    I'm in a Standard Normal run. I went into the maximizer and set Equipment: "pullable/buyable (12 pulls left)" I maximized for init and got this: Interestingly, the backup camera is out of Standard and you can't actually pull it. Also interestingly, the Item Manager's "Storage" tab shows it...
  2. Veracity

    Feature Possible mistake: Breakfast visits Old-Timey Radio in rumpus

    Go to Preferences. Choose Automation/In Ronin or Automation/After Ronin, as desired. Uncheck the box that says "visit clan rumpus room".
  3. Veracity

    Excavator - gausie's spading script

    You can create Javascript files and invoke them directly as a KoLmafia script. You need to install some sort of development environment and process TypeScript files into some sort of packaged Javascript in order to use scripts written in that language. I'm sure it's nice for the original script...
  4. Veracity

    Feature Mafia doesn't stop automation when /timer times out

    To clarify. Kolmafia has had timers for many years. Inspired by KoLmafia, KoL added timers several years later. KoLmafia has not integrated KoL timers. Somehow. You want KoLmafia to do that. Changing from Bug to Feature Reqest.
  5. Veracity

    Feature Mafia doesn't stop automation when /timer times out

    KoL timers are not integrated into KoLmafia. Probably because KoLmafia timers existed for years before KoL decided to implement something similar. Presumably because of KoLmafia’s feature.
  6. Veracity

    New Content - Implemented Everfull Dart Holster

    r27861 has: > get _currentDartboard 7513:torso,7514:head,7515:butt,7516:arm,7517:leg > ash dart_skills_to_parts() Returned: aggregate string [skill] Darts: Throw at %part1 => torso Darts: Throw at %part2 => head Darts: Throw at %part3 => butt Darts: Throw at %part4 => arm Darts: Throw at...
  7. Veracity

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    Upon login, I see this in my shell: Unknown skill ID in charsheet.php: 31000 Ignoring unknown skill name in charsheet.php: Yeah. Looking at charsheet.php: <b><p>Skills:</b><br> <font size=1>(click the skill name for a description)</font><br> <table> <tr> <td height=1...
  8. Veracity

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    Revision r27863 does this: The WereProfessor is class 31. A Mild-Mannered Professor has no equipment stat requirements. Parse Turns until Transform from the charpane and save in "wereProfessorTransformTurns". This will not be useful for scripting, but will suffice for a Relay Browser warning...
  9. Veracity

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    Heh. I modified the unstable fulminate warning to allow cooking it if you have a dramatic range installed and the ingredients, but something that caught me yesterday was that I had bought the range as a professor but had not installed it, so when I came in later as a beast with a bunch of ml, it...
  10. Veracity

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    Since ChIT decorates charpane.php - and KoL puts that info right there - I assume that's where it gets it. CharPaneRequest.checkResearchPoints could easily track that, as well. test_charpane_research.html and test_charpane_compact_research.html are existing text fixtures. <td align=right>Until...
  11. Veracity

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    I believe that is already what it means. I don't run breakfast on login since it is always the case that I want to do it later, but if I type "breakfast" as a beast, it fails to get sewer items and fails to interact with the Hermit. Later, I type "breakfast" as a mild-mannered professor and it...
  12. Veracity

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    Step one is the current blocker for that, since we don't track turns left before transformation.
  13. Veracity

    New Content - Implemented Everfull Dart Holster

    It may change each round - or it may change per monster. Which is to say "%part1" may be this monster's butt, but another may have "%part2". I finished the war today throwing at everybody's butts (for item drops). [948] The Battlefield (Hippy Uniform) Encounter: War Frat Elite 110th Captain...
  14. Veracity

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    I just tested as a Savage Beast and KoL's "Attempt to Pickpocket" button only appears the first round. When I am out of beast form, I'll give it a shot as a Mild-Mannered Professor. Edit: tested as a Mild-Mannered Professor. Steal (for Research) shows on the first round, but, after I use a seal...
  15. Veracity

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    It appears that it is only the Mild-Mannered Professor who ignores equipment stat requirements. If I look at the Equipment page in Inventory as a Savage Beast, I see items greyed out if my stats are too low. I also presume that KoL's "Your Previous Outfit" would be an issue for the...
  16. Veracity

    New Content - Implemented Everfull Dart Holster

    I know that it changes. That’s why I think we can intervene and normalize it. If there are going to be in game changes, we should probably wait. 😀
  17. Veracity

    New Content - Implemented Everfull Dart Holster

    Chris has committed a couple of PRs for initial support, but I think we still need a thread. I've noticed that creatures have from 4 to 6 body parts. They may include "butt", if you've unlocked it, but even if unlocked, some creatures already have six parts and do not include it. These seem to...
  18. Veracity

    New Content Feb 2024 Challenge Path - Were Professor

    I've been wondering that myself. It's KoL itself which generates an error when we tell it to equip an outfit, but since we know what equipment pieces constitute the outfit, in this path, we could simply equip them one at a time.
  19. Veracity

    Feature - Implemented Handle record literals as function parameters in ASH

    I was going to point out that you weren't using "record literals", you were using "map literals", but you figured that out. The reason that you have to specify the aggregate type is that you can overload functions. I think using typedefs would make things easier for you. typedef string[string]...