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  1. philmasterplus

    Bug Issue with updating scripts from Github?

    Here's a crazy thing. I already have autoscend checked out under <kolmafia dir>/svn/Loathing-Associates-Scripting-Society-autoscend-trunk-RELEASE, sometime before all this fiasco started. Today, I ran svn update and it detected a new revision, but failed to update: But when I ran svn update...
  2. philmasterplus

    Bug Issue with updating scripts from Github?

    I tried to check out autoscend using multiple variations of URLs, using SlikSVN 1.12.0 on Windows 10 x64: ✅ Success. Note that /branches/ only contained two subdirectories: combat/ and superposition/. ✅...
  3. philmasterplus

    Bug Issue with updating scripts from Github?

    Thanks for clarifying. I apologize for my misguided assumption.
  4. philmasterplus

    Bug Issue with updating scripts from Github?

    Does the problem occur exclusively with autoscend? If so, it probably has to do with the recent branch reorganization. Autoscend recently removed the beta branch. The way this was done was unorthodox: instead of merging beta into master, the maintainers deleted master and renamed beta to the...
  5. philmasterplus

    Bug Issue with updating scripts from Github?

    I observed this happening when you push a commit to GitHub, but the commits don't touch files that are actually installed. For example, here's a popular project layout: release/ scripts/ foo.ash bar.ash LICENSE .gitignore Users are given an install URL that only downloads...
  6. philmasterplus

    Bug - Fixed Maximizer throws NPE when bejeweled pledge pin is in acc1 slot

    I minimized the directive to a combination that produces a NullPointerException in r20755: 0.5initiative,1.5elemental damage,-acc1 Maximizing this while having the Frat Warrior Fatigues equipped and nothing else causes the maximizer to throw a NPE:
  7. philmasterplus

    Bug - Fixed Maximizer throws NPE when bejeweled pledge pin is in acc1 slot

    Found on KoLmafia r20755, but I tested this all the way back to r20749 and the problem still persists. Edit: I am in an Avatar of Sneaky Pete hardcore run. I could not reproduce this in an aftercore account. The following directive causes the maximizer to throw a NullPointerException...
  8. philmasterplus

    Philter, the inventory cleanup script

    Ah, gotcha. I'll look into this. Edit: This is rather late, but the bug has been fixed.
  9. philmasterplus

    Philter, the inventory cleanup script

    For the crafting thing, I believe there's a checkbox next to the Action field that controls how much Philter will make. I haven't looked at the code in a while so I might be wrong. The popup is intentional. Currently, when you change the action for an item in a subtab, the item is immediately...
  10. philmasterplus

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    I use the same cleanup file (OCDdata_shared.txt) for all my multis. I still think it's possible to work around the problem. I could pass an empty string as the default value to setvar(), then use the player's name if getvar() returns an empty string. Unfortunately, my hands are full, so I can't...
  11. philmasterplus

    Feature Script Menu customization

    Yes, it's supposed to contain leaf nodes only. I don't see a need for empty submenus to exist. I updated reply #12 to hopefully make it a bit more clear.
  12. philmasterplus

    Feature Script Menu customization

    The bookmarks file would be treated just like any other settings file. We don't stop you from modifying it with buffer_to_file(), but we don't support that use case. Passing parameters would be possible. Set the command to script_file.ash foo bar, and the script will be invoked with foo bar as...
  13. philmasterplus

    Feature Script Menu customization

    Here's a detailed Bookmarks-based proposal that I had in mind for a while. Script Menu items are Bookmark-based. Each script menu item has a name, a list of submenus, and a command. Script Menu configuration is stored in settings/bookmarks.json. It has the format: { "bookmarks": [ {...
  14. philmasterplus

    Feature Script Menu customization

    @fronobulax We could prototype such a relay script. But I expect it would be a mere prototype. It would be made redundant when changes are made the Script Menu itself. Maybe I should create a mockup of the New Script Menu as a series of images. @xKiv I am referring to the Script Menu in the...
  15. philmasterplus

    Feature Script Menu customization

    Currently, the Script Menu mirrors the layout of files and directories under scripts/. This poses a problem as we build large projects like autoscend that install many files and clutter the Script Menu. Users "solved" the problem by moving files into subdirectories. KoLmafia enabled this by (A)...
  16. philmasterplus

    Feature ASH language server features

    This is exciting news, but I'm still puzzled about your roadmap. Are you planning to build an editor plugin for ASH? What features can we expect?
  17. philmasterplus

    Feature ASH language server features

    Intriguing. Sorry for potentially driving the thread off course, but what are your end goals? I thought LSP was for implementing editor features, such as syntax highlighting, code suggestions, navigation (go to declaration/find references...), and refactoring. If LSP was built into KoLmafia...
  18. philmasterplus

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    I'm seeing some weird behavior where, if setvar() changes the default value of a variable, and the user has no custom value for that variable, then getvar() does not pick up the new default value immediately. Here are my test scripts: // alice.ash import <zlib.ash> string owner = 'Alice'...
  19. philmasterplus

    Cargo Shorts GUI

    Unfortunately, editing the working copy would be next to impossible for this project, due to how JavaScript is "compiled" and compressed. The published code is an obfuscated mess.
  20. philmasterplus

    Cargo Shorts GUI

    I am not the author, but take a look at