Search results

  1. philmasterplus

    Abandoned Scripts

    Edit: See issue 7 for detailed investigation. This should be resolved once PR #8 is merged. The typo should be fixed in the as-of-yet unnamed fork. We recently added a README and changed the install URL, which might have confused KoLmafia. Try deleting the script (double check if scripts/OCD...
  2. philmasterplus

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    This is not working. I keep getting warnings like this: Checking for updates (running auto_mushroom ver. 2.2)... Server returned response code 404 (Not Found) for Unable to load current version info. The current version (r48) checks...
  3. philmasterplus

    Abandoned Scripts

    Just an update. @Malibu Stacey has kindly forked Bale's OCD Inventory Control (the script which sparked this discussion) at . So far, only @Rinn and I have been contributing, but more activity would be great.
  4. philmasterplus

    Abandoned Scripts

    This could become a problem if a heavily depended-upon library (e.g. Zlib, HTMLForm) is abandoned. Fortunately, such cases are rather rare, and most scripts seem to have a dependency graph of depth <= 1.
  5. philmasterplus

    Abandoned Scripts

    If we have commit access to the old repo, we can add a "URL changed to <GitHub URL>, please reinstall to get updates" warning in the ASH script hosted in the old repo. Users will see the warning and hopefully reinstall using the new URL. Unfortunately, there isn't a clean solution for old repos...
  6. philmasterplus

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    I believe the maximizer knows about configuring the retrocape since r20555. From my experience, autoBasement appears to configure the cape properly for stat tests, e.g. Mysticality. autoBasement fails only when attempting to pass an elemental damage test. It seems to calculate...
  7. philmasterplus

    Abandoned Scripts

    Nice! Do we get to preserve Subversion's commit history? If so, all would be golden. Please put me on the contributors list when you're done.
  8. philmasterplus

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    This script has been incredibly helpful. One issue: It doesn't seem to know about the form changes of unwrapped knock-off retro superhero cape. Around basement level > 400, it kept aborting because it couldn't reach the necessary HP/resistances. Manually changing the cape with retrocape vampire...
  9. philmasterplus

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    What version/revision of KoLmafia are you using? You'll have to download a newer version from
  10. philmasterplus

    Feature Add unit test for the skill parser in

    This patch adds a new unit test for Added a new class, CharSheetRequest.ParsedSkillInfo. It's a simple POJO class representing a parsed (but not identified) skill. Extracted the skill parsing code to a method, CharSheetRequest.parseSkills(). This method takes an XML...
  11. philmasterplus

    OCD Inventory control

    Thanks. Linking to for anyone interested in the to-fork-or-not-to-fork discussion.
  12. philmasterplus

    Abandoned Scripts

    Pro-fork here. Admittedly, I'd prefer a full port from ASH to JS, but I'm hesitant because our JS support may still have rough edges. I could try setting up a GitHub repository, but it would be nice if someone with actual subversion-to-git migration experience handles it. Also, do we have a...
  13. philmasterplus

    OCD Inventory control

    Assuming that this script is now "community maintained", can I submit a patch? The relay script for OCD provides a neat little feature: Clicking on an item name opens the KoL wiki page. Unfortunately, it leads to, not The wiki does redirect...
  14. philmasterplus

    Bug JavaScript bugs

    Looks like @fredg1 (most active contributor of the TourGuide fork) has already renamed relay_TourGuide.js. They just haven't released it yet. Fred, if you see this, may we ask for a mini-release that contains the rename? I for one keep getting confused which "TourGuide" is the correct one in...
  15. philmasterplus

    Bug JavaScript bugs

    It wouldn't be difficult for Tour Guide's author to rename their script. I hope we don't end up with odd protocols like "relay override scripts must have a .rjs extension".
  16. philmasterplus

    Familiar Collector/Ascension Familiar Chooser

    Thank you for finding that bug! I forgot about escaping familiar names. Your new relay script looks slick.
  17. philmasterplus

    Feature - Implemented Use monospace font for mushroom plots in gCLI

    Here's a tiny patch that converts the mushroom plots printed by the gCLI field command to monospace font (using <code></code>) Here's a before-and-after image. As you can see, the monospace font looks much nicer:
  18. philmasterplus

    Bug - Fixed JavaScript: bufferToFile() fails due to type issues (+ patch added)

    My bad. It's bufferToFile(). I'll fix the first post. fileToBuffer() worked fine in JS the last time I checked.
  19. philmasterplus

    Bug - Fixed JavaScript: bufferToFile() fails due to type issues (+ patch added)

    The bufferToFile(string, string) function is the JS-equivalent of the ASH function buffer_to_file(string, string). However, calling this function in JS currently fails with: > js require("kolmafia").bufferToFile("asdf", "foo.txt"); Script exception: Function 'buffer_to_file( string, string )'...
  20. philmasterplus

    Bug - Fixed Fix multiple issues with Text Colors panel in Preferences

    This patch fixes three issues with the Text Colors panel in the Preferences dialog: The "Default Color Set" and "Dark Color Set" buttons are clipped and look ugly. I added an extra JPanel subclass to separate the buttons from the the other inputs, which solved the issue. (see attachments)...