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  1. Bale

    Character Info Toolbox

    Then maybe I'll keep you to that. I can handle TWO, which honestly is quite a bit of work. Meanwhile you can write a script that would port the zlib settings to identically named preferences. Slightly less work for me! I'm reassured by how many people are comfortable with the last two options...
  2. Bale

    Character Info Toolbox

    I am very glad you feel that way. (Knowing your feelings towards open code I'm not surprised, just glad.) You did some amazing work which I hadn't even thought I wanted until I saw it. I adore your changes. One of the reasons I hated the idea of using properties for configuration settings is...
  3. Bale

    Veracity's Property Management Library - vprops.ash

    I really love this, but I want to make a request of all scripters who use this library to store their preferences in mafia's pref files. Always make sure that the properties you create BEGIN with information to identify the script which created them. This will help a lot once a lot of script...
  4. Bale

    My personal Meat farming script

    I notice the script does not use the Platinum Yendorian Express Card to extend limited buffs for another 5 turns each.
  5. Bale

    Character Info Toolbox

    I'd like mention that I'm going to be using a rather stripped down and customized version of the vProp code. Thanx to Veracity for the inspiration, but since I have control over how it is used I don't need to account for every variation. Also, I need to use multiple delimiters in a single...
  6. Bale

    Veracity's Property Management Library - vprops.ash

    I've just moved this script from "Scripting Discussion" to "Informational Scripts" because it was created in a forum that isn't intended for discussing and supporting an active published script.
  7. Bale

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    I've just moved this script from "Scripting Discussion" to "Informational Scripts" because it was created in a forum that isn't intended for discussing and supporting an active published script.
  8. Bale

    Character Info Toolbox

    I am currently considering migrating Chit's user configuration from zlib vars to vProp style user properties. If that sentence means nothing to you then this post will be tough to wade through, but I'll write a paragraph to explain. If you understood that perfectly, please skip the following...
  9. Bale

    Veracity's Property Management Library - vprops.ash

    I'd like to share something. string normalize_value( string value, string type ) { if( $strings[boolean,int,float,item,location,class,stat,skill,effect,familiar,monster,element,phylum,coinmaster,thrall,bounty,servant,vykea] contains type ) { string prog = "to_" + type; return call string...
  10. Bale

    Is there a property that tracks whether the Massive Ziggurat is cleared of vines?

    There isn't a property, but it is quite easy for a scripter to determine that based on the combat queue. Like this: if($location[A Massive Ziggurat].combat_queue.contains_text("dense liana; dense liana; dense liana")) print("The Ziggurat has been unlocked"); else print("You need to kill...
  11. Bale

    Clickable CLI links ?

    Aweeeesomeeee! An Albino Rhino!
  12. Bale

    Clickable CLI links ?

    Oh. I misunderstood. I thought you just wanted links to run in the cli. I didn't realize you wanted them to display in the cli also. I didn't notice which user was asking the question or else I'd have known you couldn't have missed something so obvious. (Sometimes I miss the name when there's...
  13. Bale

    Veracity's Property Management Library - vprops.ash

    I decided it was appropriate to make a few changes: { "repo": "", "author": "Veracity", "name": "vProps", "forumThread": "", "shortDesc"...
  14. Bale

    Feature - Implemented Spring 2017 Challenge: Gelatinous Noob!

    Yeah, there was a small bug that ckb pointed out. I ran it earlier today with the bug fixed and it worked: buffer gelnoob(buffer page) { skill [int] bestGelnoob; // These skills are listed at the top of the order foreach sk in $skills[Subcutaneous Fat,Profound Shame,Sweat Glands, Central...
  15. Bale

    Clickable CLI links ?

    zarqon did it It works better than you'd have hoped for. When you click the link, the command (or other words of your choice) appear floating over the cursor for a second and then fade away. A very nice indication to the user that the clicking did something. The words are green if it worked or...
  16. Bale

    New Content - Implemented unpowered Robortender

    I know that if both weak and strong drinks for a given phylum are consumed the Robortender only get the benefit of the strong drink. Are there other cases where a drink overrides another?
  17. Bale

    New Content - Implemented unpowered Robortender

    Is anyone working on an underline property for mafia to remember which boozes have been fed the Robortender? My meat farming script wants to know if I need to feed a Piscatini to the Robortender to make it better than a Hobo Monkey.
  18. Bale


    zarqon would be correct if only there wasn't such a thing as relay UI scripts. Sorry, zarqon. relay UI scripts were written specifically to get around any possible argument for user_confirm(). I envision a lot of checkboxes next to custom property names to indicate which you want to delete.
  19. Bale


    itemBoughtPerAscension8266! Of course! Now I know why the preference was changed. I figured out the spookyraven lights myself. The old pref was in the code for a very short time before the mechanism was properly understood. Thank you!
  20. Bale


    Really? Then we have no way of knowing if the mayo Whip was already rented? Or is there another property to tell us if it is in the store? Similarly, is there any way to know if the hermit was haxored. Perhaps that isn't needed since the only serious result is that there are more ten leaf...