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  1. Bale

    Trick-Or-Treating script

    Why? What commands would work better?
  2. Bale

    New Content - Implemented unpowered Robortender

    We still don't have a command to actually consume a robo drink, do we?
  3. Bale

    Array Literals in ASH

    That's a thing of beauty.
  4. Bale

    Character Info Toolbox

    It should have done the job. It just doesn't output anything. You can see what it did if you type prefref chit in your CLI. If you want the second option, just don't copy/paste it. The chance for the first option is over.
  5. Bale

    My personal Meat farming script

    Got it. If you fax a black crayon penguin, it costs ZERO turns to fight as many as you can copy. All it costs is your limited number of copies per day.
  6. Bale

    Character Info Toolbox

    I did it. zlib vars are no longer being used in this script. To copy some of your zlib vars to vProps type zlib chit. in the CLI and choose the ones you need. Then just copy/paste the relevant line, changing the world "zlib" to "set" to create the vProp. If you want to copy over ALL your vars...
  7. Bale

    My personal Meat farming script

    Fish heads, fish heads! Roly poly fish heads! Fish heads, fish heads! Eat them up yum!
  8. Bale

    String Arguments

    LoLoL! In all the years I've seen people hammering at the issue of user input for scripts I don't think I've ever seen anyone come up with that solution before now. It's definitely not an intended feature, but I understand why it works that way, so I don't think I can call it a bug either...
  9. Bale

    My personal Meat farming script

    Link to spading in my previous post.
  10. Bale

    My personal Meat farming script

    I was posting in a farming script thread so I was assuming it would be clear that the answer would be applied here. In other words, base meat drop is 250.
  11. Bale

    Character Info Toolbox

    That's a pretty good idea. I'm sure that for pretty much everyone it will be easier to copy/paste a single line than it will be to download a file to /scripts and run it there.
  12. Bale

    Character Info Toolbox

    I've completed converting ChIT to vProp style variables. I'm going to give another day or two to soak in before I release it so I have a chance to properly shake it out. I also wrote a migration script for people who want to keep their old zlib vars. It was really easy. So much easier than...
  13. Bale

    My personal Meat farming script

    Giving a drive-by shooting to the Robortender doubles it's effective weight as a leprechaun according to Ezandora. So that seems a really good idea. Undeniably better than a Hobo Monkey for a farming effective cost that is steadily dropping in the mall. Of course it is a little tricky if the...
  14. Bale

    My personal Meat farming script

    I just noticed this... // Optionally choose an endowment int endowment_option = lov_endowment == LOV_ENAMORANG ? 1 : lov_endowment == LOV_EMOTIONIZER ? 2 : lov_endowment == LOV_EXTRATERRESTRIAL_CHOCOLATE ? 3 : lov_endowment == LOV_ECHINACEA_BOUQUET ? 4 : lov_endowment ==...
  15. Bale

    Bug - Not A Bug Password Hash Mismatch

    I don't think that's a good idea. When I see that it is helpful to me because it means I need to start a new browser session in order to reply in chat. If I don't restart the session I see my messages disappearing without any information about why. Edit: Wait. Was that a joke?
  16. Bale

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Can't think of a reason. After all, you won't be able to eat or drink it. Just a turn sink.
  17. Bale

    Character Info Toolbox

    For my part, you've convinced me that call is the wrong approach. Meanwhile I've hit a wall on normalizing items. How can we handle normalizing Ouija Board, Ouija Board? Paring out duplicate items in the set would at least keep the property from increasing in size every time the charpane...
  18. Bale

    Character Info Toolbox

    That wasn't my problem. I thought of using the regexp there, but the problem is that (unless I don't understand things correctly) if I did that it won't put the correct delimiter back between the elements after normalizing them. Did I fail to understand that properly? Interesting point about...
  19. Bale

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    It is something that has been nagging my mind for the last few years, but I left the status quo alone since I was on the fence about it. Veracity decided to follow your lead which finally caused me to do something since I felt both of those library scripts were slightly better off here. At least...
  20. Bale

    Character Info Toolbox

    I believe that ChIT users who don't pay attention to this forum at all probably don't know they can customize ChIT. So they'll never realize anything happened.