Search results

  1. Bale

    Writing to file?

    Technically you could, but I really don't think it would be advantageous, especially since important tab characters will be removed. Unless you didn't care about the person receiving the kmail being able to reliably reconstitute the map, in which case.. Yay, go for it! As with most of your...
  2. Bale

    Deleting a multi from Mafia

    The character's information is all in a text file /settings/infarct_pref.txt where infarc can be replaced with the name of any character. Delete that file and you'll restore that character's preferences to defaults. (Next time you log in as that character mafia will create the new preference...
  3. Bale

    New Content - Implemented Spacegate access badge

    No, you cannot. The Spacegate Terminal readout says: There's actual information on how many turns of adventuring remain! (And no way to reset it. You're just out of energy.) <Center><table width=95% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center...
  4. Bale

    Bug - Not A Bug Chateau MP restore infinite loop.

    To post settings you can do something like the command ashq foreach prop in get_all_properties("baleUR", false) print(prop+ " = " + get_property(prop)); Then copy/paste the response here. I always use as a good free place to put my images. Then you put the link here, inside...
  5. Bale

    New Content - Implemented Spacegate access badge

    Because it is useful for speed runs. The only question is how useful. Merely unlocking the once per day buffs is useful. (That's how easy it is to eliminate the whining.) Jury is still deliberating on the usefulness of planets. The following items are not yet in KoLmafia v17.6 r17941...
  6. Bale

    Bug - Not A Bug Chateau MP restore infinite loop.

    Just for the record I have never seen this problem. I'm going to take a guess that you have UR set to recover MP even if resting is not free? That would at least explain why there could be a bug like this which I've never encountered. (Personally I recommend NEVER to do that because having UR...
  7. Bale

    Writing to file?

    Yes. Sure. Build the string yourself. string player_list; foreach player in clannies { if(length(player_list) > 0) player_list += ", "; player_list += player } Then do whatever you wish with that string. My advice should stop there because I don't know where you're going with...
  8. Bale

    Bug - Not A Bug Chateau MP restore infinite loop.

    What that shows is that mafia believes it was not using adventures to rest since they were all on turn 6403. Obviously that is wrong since there's no way you could have had that many free rests. Another mistake is that mafia is not showing a gain of MP for rests after the eighth. Which is just...
  9. Bale

    Writing to file?

    Please explain how this could happen. Provide your code that produces this outcome, because I'd have to put in some intentional effort to replicate your result. Maybe I just don't know what you mean.
  10. Bale

    Character Info Toolbox

    Gear changer is part of default roof layout. To remove it from the layout, copy paste the following command into the CLI: set chit.roof.layout = character,stats
  11. Bale

    Character Info Toolbox

    Thanks for the bug report and thanks to icon315 for the bug fix. I've committed the fix to svn.
  12. Bale

    Daily Deed to Vamp Out with your Vampire Fangs

    It probably aborted because of salad.
  13. Bale

    Vlad's Familiar Changing Frankenscript

    setfam isn't a thing. It's just a boolean variable. Anyway, I think that Theraze meant this. (My addition in red.) boolean setfam = false; foreach f in $familars[astral badger, fist turkey, space jellyfish, restless cow skull, baby sandworm] { if (!setfam && have_familiar(f) &&...
  14. Bale

    Bug - Fixed writingDesksDefeated off by 1

  15. Bale

    My personal Meat farming script

    This is a game played with spreadsheets, databases and research. I think that "workflow" is not inappropriate.
  16. Bale

    Character Info Toolbox

    That option does not exist. I don't recall anyone suggesting it before and it would take a lot of coding to make it happen. Plus I'm not sure of a good way to express it in a universal way in preferences. I'd really have to find a way to express it in preferences before I could consider it. I...
  17. Bale

    My personal Meat farming script

    Here's some great information for a scripting noob: Revision Merging.
  18. Bale

    Veracity's Garden Harvester

    I know how that stuff works on this forum. I just like it when the link has informative information in the title. I'll add this to the repository.
  19. Bale

    Bug - Fixed writingDesksDefeated off by 1

    ::Sigh:: You're right. I never remember about softcore at times like this. Ezandora has a tool for figuring out cashew output from cornucopia's based on path,day,etc and number of cornucopias used this run? I've got to find that!
  20. Bale

    Character Info Toolbox

    I emphasize the truth of what Veracity just said. I've never thought to look at setting BEFORE figuring out what I wanted to do with them. What is the problem that you are trying to solve by finding the defaults? I put them right at the top of charpane.ash so they'll be easy to find if you...