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  1. Bale

    Scripting the birth of a new life.

    There are people who want the stats. There's no absolutely correct way to play this so newLife is staying neutral.
  2. Bale

    Best way to load questslog.txt

    Just thought I'd let you know that I'm now making use of this feature in OCD. It helps when reading concoctions.txt since there are a variable number of ingredients for a given concoction. The old implementation worked, just as long as no new super long concoctions exceeded my dataspace. I...
  3. Bale

    OCD Inventory control

    It looks at concoctions.txt which is included inside kolmafia.jar so if you've updated to the latest daily build you have it. Unless you've got a file in your /data file called concoctions.txt (which would override it), in which case you should delete that immediately.
  4. Bale

    OCD Inventory control

    Cannot replicate. OCD does give me the option to craft my fish heads, so perhaps you could tell me exactly which items are giving you trouble? Edit: OCD takes its information from mafia's data files, so if it has been a really long time since you updated mafia then you should do that to...
  5. Bale

    Character Info Toolbox

    If you type svn sync in the CLI does it give any feedback about a conflict? Have you made any modifications to ChIT? Because the only way that error should happen is if your charpane contains "<hr width=50%><table" and you've just confirmed that it does not.
  6. Bale

    Character Info Toolbox

    It was never part of the default layout options. You could add it to the layout if you want. Should I make it a default option for the roof? set chit.roof.layout = character,stats,terminal,gear
  7. Bale

    Character Info Toolbox

    If my script believes the charpane is compact, it shouldn't modify the charpane HTML, so just copy/paste the charpane's html here.
  8. Bale

    Feature - Implemented License to Adventure

    This This This This This This This!
  9. Bale

    Character Info Toolbox

    Copy to charpane html and paste it here inside of tags. A screenshot of your charpane would help also! That way I'll at least be able to see if there's anything unusual.
  10. Bale

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    I gave it a 5-star review to help balance out that nonsensical review.
  11. Bale

    Feature - Implemented License to Adventure

    So, you think my script should parse it out of the charpane instead of waiting for mafia to support it?
  12. Bale

    Feature - Implemented License to Adventure

    What about tracking skill points? Shouldn't current skill points (pounds of social currency) be available? I'm hoping you'll provide that and I'll add it to ChIT.
  13. Bale

    Simple ChatBot

    > svn checkout svn:// Starting Checkout... Validating repo... The requested repo failed validation. Complain to the script's author. Done. You made a simple mistake. The base directory cannot contain anything other than the (optional) dependencies.txt...
  14. Bale

    Bug - Waiting for Info Chez Snootée allows out-of-date consumption

    Both Skf and I understand it is low priority and may take a while. She's okay about that.
  15. Bale

    Character Info Toolbox

    I fixed it. The License to Adventure path uses a bit of html that was previously unique to the compact character pane so ChIT thought it needed to stand down. I haven't yet added a link for LI-11 and display of your pounds of Social Capitol because I'm waiting for mafia to track those points.
  16. Bale

    Bug - Waiting for Info Chez Snootée allows out-of-date consumption

    Unfortunately this bug has not been quashed. My PvP loving clannie has been doing non-standard runs and aftercore for a while, but today she had this to say, SKF: the other day chez had "Taco Dan's Taco Stand Taco" SKF: it didn't show up in mafia :( SKF: (in standard) SKF: I even consumed one...
  17. Bale

    Character Info Toolbox

    You're misremembering that.
  18. Bale

    Feature - Rejected Reflect lowest Mall Price in item manager

    Just to chime in my opinion. I really like the current behavior. If there is that much difference in price between the first and fifth item, it seems to me that there's even more reason to go with the fifth. If the behavior was the change it would upset me and since none of the devs seem to...
  19. Bale

    New Content - Implemented New-You Club Membership Form

    At the astral gash, the drop down for current Eudora shows nothing. I know that there's no real support yet, but I just wanted to mention this anyway.