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  1. Bale

    Bug - Waiting for Info Golden gun profile image issue

    Not a mafia bug? How so? I have noticed that this bug does not happen when I use native KoL, so it seems likely that mafia is failing to handle a KoL feature.
  2. Bale

    OCD Inventory control

    While possible... I'm not sure if I want to do this... I'll think about it. There isn't a mafia command to asdonmarin fuel is there? What food/drink cannot be fueled? Just stuff that is buyable from NPC stores? Anything else. What should OCD do if it turns out that the adson martin isn't...
  3. Bale


    I would like to second that request. It would be extremely helpful to ensure that I could switch the enchantment back to rollover adventures at the end of the day.
  4. Bale

    Scripts on SVN

    Added. Next time you offer a script for the Script Manager, please don't put "svn checkout" in the "repo" field. Each time you've done that I had to figure out why mafia wasn't accepting the json.
  5. Bale

    Scripts on SVN

  6. Bale

    Using Soulsauce after combat

    Thread moved from the place where we post finished scripts about combat to the place where we ask for help about potential scripts. Welcome to the forum!
  7. Bale

    Scripting the birth of a new life.

    I'd be surprised if it wasn't an auto-pull in other paths also. That's been the latest paradigm. Like all the other IotM equipment for the last two years. (your cowboy boots, time-spinner, detective badge, protonic accelerator pack) Can anyone confirm that?
  8. Bale

    Scripting the birth of a new life.

    But, in a path other than Bondcore, are the drawers and martinis useful enough to be worth the clicks?
  9. Bale

    Scripting the birth of a new life.

    Is there ever a case where someone would want a Briefcase setup other than the default?
  10. Bale

    Scripting the birth of a new life.

    That's not an error. It's just an informative KoLmafia message letting us know that KoLmafia doesn't personally handle that redirect. It's helpful for troubleshooting if a problem occurs, but not personally indicative of any problem. You'll see it from time to time during various activities.
  11. Bale

    Feature - Implemented License to Adventure

    Missing Content to add! -------------------- 9491 Targeted Plague Vector 604726380 spraycan.gif usable q 0 # Item Targeted Plague Vector --------------------
  12. Bale

    Feature - Implemented License to Adventure

    The wiki finally has a good page for that. The list is not yet comprehensive, but it may be in a few more days. There appear to be six different messages for each of the four locations. That will be a total of 24 messages. There's also a complete list of color synonyms at the bottom...
  13. Bale

    Universal Recovery Script

    If it's UR, the abort message should be, ""Did not fully restore HP for some reason." If the message is different then there's another cause. UR should abort whenever it fails to reach the restoration target. Which is what you describe. Which is also your feature request. I don't understand...
  14. Bale

    New Content - Implemented New-You Club Membership Form

    Good point. I edited it into my preceeding post. It seems that lost has just added the Incredible Self-Esteem and _incredibleSelfEsteemCast property in r18058.
  15. Bale

    Feature - Implemented License to Adventure

    By the way, the third choice adventure in the Super Villian Lair is pretty simple if you understand the code. I added the following to my choice relay for that choiceAdventure so that I could stop referring to the wiki page. buffer code(buffer page) { foreach choice in $strings["Vent...
  16. Bale

    New Content - Implemented New-You Club Membership Form

    Things that should be supported for this IotM: Session log! Report the line about saw sharpening! "You're really sharpening the old saw. You've done [number] out of [number]!" "You did it! Your saw is so sharp!" Track New You Quest! It's in the quest log after all... Preference for if the...
  17. Bale

    OCD Inventory control

    To elaborate upon what txrangersxx just said, in case it wasn't detailed enough for you... In the relay browser, look at your top menu. In the lower-right hand corner you'll see a drop-down menu titled "- run script -" which you need to click on. Select "OCD dB Manager" and then you'll see a...
  18. Bale

    Character Info Toolbox

    It looks like you're using the compact charpane. I don't know how you accidentally activated that, but go to Options -> Interface. In the right panel under Character Pane Options, uncheck "Use Compact Character Pane"
  19. Bale

    OCD Inventory control

    I'm glad that did the trick!
  20. Bale

    Scripting the birth of a new life.

    On the other hand, the last thing anyone needs in License to Adventure is more stats, eh? All those turns of fighting scaling monsters... Maybe License to Adventure really does make this one obvious! I'll do this!