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  1. Bale


    You're not going to get that compelling use case from me.
  2. Bale


    What about the following properties? Should they also always be considered built-in? itemBoughtPerAscensionXXX lockedItemXXX skillBurnXXXXX skillLevelXXX
  3. Bale


    If the single parameter version is used, it would return matches for both user and global properties? Or is it just user properties like get_property() is now? I suspect the later. Is the filter case insensitive like the prefref command? I find that to be a useful trait of prefref and hope...
  4. Bale

    Feature - Implemented Spring 2017 Challenge: Gelatinous Noob!

    You can use THIS to get a pretty decent overview of your GelNoob skills and what they do from your character sheet. The script does a bit more than advertised. Because I just can't help myself. You fell for it. Just as I'd planned. :D
  5. Bale

    Feature - Implemented Spring 2017 Challenge: Gelatinous Noob!

    I need to report a bug. KoLmafia is not recognizing the council quest for level 2. The html when I get the quest from the council is this: <p><p>Okay, you're in luck, because I found a quest that's perfect for an adventurer of your... stature. We need you to go out to the marshy part of the...
  6. Bale

    Feature - Implemented Spring 2017 Challenge: Gelatinous Noob!

    If anyone wants to begin work on a better skills choosing choice override feel free. I'd love if it looked like this. To help I'll drop my html page here for anyone to review so that they wouldn't have to begin a new ascension to begin working on it. <html><head> <script language=Javascript>...
  7. Bale

    Feature - Implemented Spring 2017 Challenge: Gelatinous Noob!

    This post is intended a public service. It may be taken as a feature request for mafia, but the devs might decide that is beyond mafia's scope to make such a change to KoL's appearance. When I start a new ascension, my skills are in a "random" order. Technically the order is the order that I...
  8. Bale

    Feature - Implemented Spring 2017 Challenge: Gelatinous Noob!

    If you want relay override scripts in the relay browser, there are already two different scripts that do that. My desc WikiLinks and ckb's: WTF Inventory. Both of our scripts were originally created to do a bit more than that, but we decided to add this in also.
  9. Bale

    Way to access Adventure Overview data in ASH?

    I always forget we have access to session logs and can get anything with good string parsing. My answer is still correct. ckb gave a good clue on how to track it yourself.
  10. Bale

    Way to access Adventure Overview data in ASH?

    Nope. You have to track that yourself.
  11. Bale

    New Content - Implemented unpowered Robortender

    Unsurprisingly Ezandora has already spaded out which items grant which skills and added them to his tool.
  12. Bale

    New Content - Implemented unpowered Robortender

    Oh. I didn't think to check. Then I ascended into a path that isn't Gelnoob for PvP reasons. Can't check now. :(
  13. Bale

    New Content - Implemented unpowered Robortender

    Absorbing shot of granola liqueur You learned a new skill: Ink Gland /goto desc_skill.php?whichskill=23303 That's two skills that reduce combat rate! Absorbing baby oil shooter You learned a new skill: Powerful Vocal Chords /goto desc_skill.php?whichskill=23306 And there's an ability to...
  14. Bale

    New Content - Implemented unpowered Robortender

    Absorbing bottle of gregnadigne You learned a new skill: Bendable Knees Woo~hoo! New skills! /goto desc_skill.php?whichskill=23301 Gives an effect!
  15. Bale

    Character Info Toolbox

  16. Bale

    Fork²~ UberPvPOptimizer - an updated PVPBestGear

    Dang~ You're right on the ball with it this time. Kudos. It's a shame that as a Gelnoob the script is completely useless this season. Stupid anti-PvP challenge path.
  17. Bale

    Feature - Implemented Spring 2017 Challenge: Gelatinous Noob!

    Though... Oddly the maximizer is glad to buy hair spray and Black Body spray to increase moxie without ticking buyable. That's why I thought of buyable as "buyable from the mall." Is it intended that for potions it will purchase from NPCs even though buyable isn't ticked, but for absorbing it...
  18. Bale

    Feature - Implemented Spring 2017 Challenge: Gelatinous Noob!

    I hadn't ticked that. Thank you for pointing out my foolishness. Ooops.
  19. Bale

    Feature - Implemented Spring 2017 Challenge: Gelatinous Noob!

    The maximizer won't show me absorb options like buying a pickled egg for DR or buying sturdy sword hilt for moxie. Is that intended?
  20. Bale

    looking at clan_raidlogs.php

    I agree. I would have used your solution myself.