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  1. Theraze

    Vlad's Familiar Changing Frankenscript

    FYI, if you're posting for your own interest and not meaning it to be released, Scripting Discussion would be the place for those questions. The Repository is where you keep scripts that you want people to use. :)
  2. Theraze

    Feature - Rejected Show Estimated Damage

    Personal note of confusion - I see the 'Implemented' tag as meaning implemented by mafia - available in main code without any additional outside things being needed. These FReqs being made irrelevant by BatManRE or other scripts seem more like the features being added to base mafia was rejected...
  3. Theraze

    Help with a script

    Well, what do you get when you look at the text from lchat? Once you have that, you can use split_string to break the text into segments, and then you can use a proper regexp matcher to see which users are away.
  4. Theraze

    Writing to file?

    Sounds like you have the kmail inside the loop.
  5. Theraze

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    I've had 12 successful Noobcore fake id purchases in the past few weeks, so... something definitely up with either your accounts, their settings, or some part of how you have mafia or BCA configured...
  6. Theraze

    Vlad's Familiar Changing Frankenscript

    Right. I forgot the break; when I did that freehand on the forum, which is how I'd have done it to skip some cycles. :) Should have done the write-up in npp instead. Oh well. :)
  7. Theraze

    Vlad's Familiar Changing Frankenscript

    That is a TON of wasted server hits. Wouldn't it be easier to do something like:boolean setfam = false; foreach f in $familars[astral badger, fist turkey, space jellyfish, restless cow skull, baby sandworm] { if (have_familiar(f) && familiar_weight(f) < 20) { if (my_familiar() != f)...
  8. Theraze

    Noobsorb: A relay script to help track your absorptions.

    People who PVP tend to keep things in Hagnk for safety. People who don't often pull ASAP.
  9. Theraze

    My personal Meat farming script

    By editing your settings file while mafia is closed?
  10. Theraze

    Noobsorb: A relay script to help track your absorptions.

    Sorry, the change 5 (which got a note and marked in the code, but not a flag) didn't get implemented. Remain <= Retain, not Remain < Retain. if( remain <= retain ) is how line 310 needs to be to stop properly. Also, the way that 142 was changed means that post-ronin Storage is completely...
  11. Theraze

    Noobsorb: A relay script to help track your absorptions.

    I'd tweaked my copy, but it looks like the updated version didn't actually fix it, so... Line 280 should move to 284. Line 281 is now unneeded. Line 330 should be duplicated after (original) line 307. Line 142 needs to check for can_interact. (Found this later) One more note. Even with the...
  12. Theraze

    Vlad's Familiar Changing Frankenscript

    Looks like you can use enthrone_familiar to do that. You can check your familiars weights, as well as the weight adjustment, to figure out when to shift them, so...
  13. Theraze

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Regarding the fake id docs, I've run through six ascensions this week without any of them failing to buy them, so... definitely something with how your ascension ran, and it'll take some info from you to help avoid whatever was sad. Just noting that it's not an issue with current mafia and BCA. :)
  14. Theraze

    New Content - Implemented unpowered Robortender

    Is 'feed' the standard familiar feeding command, or do we have multiple for the existing fams?
  15. Theraze

    Noobsorb: A relay script to help track your absorptions.

    Might I suggest adding this row at line 270? if (noobskill[sk].granter[gid].it.item_amount() == 0) retrieve_item(1, noobskill[sk].granter[gid].it); Optionally, tweaking (originally) line 285 (which is line 286, if you add the above line 270): while( noobadvs[iid].item_amount() > 1 &&...
  16. Theraze

    Character Info Toolbox

    Or as a one line that can be copy-pasted into the gCLI tab: ashq import "zlib.ash"; foreach prop,val in vars if(prop.contains_text("chit.") && prop!= "chit.gear.display.aftercore.defaults" && prop!= "") set_property(prop, val);
  17. Theraze

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    1) The npc_price function was added to let you know if an item can be purchased from an npc currently, and if so, at which price. If npc_price is greater than 0, then mafia knows that the market is unlocked. If npc_price is 0, then it believes that it's not available yet, and that's why BCA is...
  18. Theraze

    .ASH command to look at user preferences

    Use a boolean to detect if you've done days = my_daycount(); string name = my_name(); boolean deadwife = false; print("It has been "+ days +" day(s) since "+ name +"'s current ascension began."); string [int] log = session_logs( my_name(), days); foreach day in log { print( "Parsing...