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  1. Theraze

    BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts

    Spells work, it's weapon skills that (according to the wiki) don't work. So no northern explosion, if the wiki doesn't lie. :)
  2. Theraze

    BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts

    It's shifted several times. It used to all be manual in batfactors, but currently it seems it mostly uses monsters or is static coding for dynamic monsters in BatBrain itself. But yeah. Nothing seems to quite work perfectly anymore for this, so... I mainly just sort through the problems as they...
  3. Theraze

    BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts

    Well, I tried this but it didn't appear to be entirely 1210 blazing bat 0 0 res 1.0 none,hot,spooky,sleaze,stench Might need something to reload. We'll see if the next character works better, or if we need to say there's more than 100% resistance to get it to ignore the...
  4. Theraze

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Look at what happened on the session logs for that session before your inventory got out of sync. That's about the only thing you can try to do. If you notice it early in a session when you can see your complete gCLI records for automation-only, that would be an even better series.
  5. Theraze

    Harvest – A highly customisable farming script

    Yeah, it gets irregularly updated by those of us with commit access when an actual bug gets posted. Whining by non-ascenders who don't want to edit code doesn't generally qualify as a bug though. :)
  6. Theraze

    BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts

    Question. The blazing bat (1210) is onlyhurtby <element> (in this case, onlyhurtby cold) else it takes 2 damage or less. Additionally, it's immune to weapons, both in skills and regular attacks. So how should the batfactors line be set? It doesn't appear that there's currently a good way to mark...
  7. Theraze

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Basically, something makes mafia believe that it has wrong stuff. It's possibly related to the maximizer, or failed equipping when it tries to do a two handed weapon while an offhand is worn, or trying to put an offhand without a main hand, or... something else. Nobody's paid enough attention...
  8. Theraze

    Eldritch Incursions

    Easier: alias fighttentacles => ashq import <VeracityMeatFarm.ash> fight_eldritch_tentacles = TRUE; fight_eldritch_tentacles(); Harder: Extract all of the bits and pieces to sort out how to make it function. Put that into an alias. Run the alias. Figure out you left out an important line. Try...
  9. Theraze

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    About your only choice is to fake your inventory to make it believe you have a machete and don't refresh inventory. Or finish the city manually. Nothing we can do about mafia getting out of sync, besides doing what lost mentioned and ask you to try to think about what led to mafia being out of...
  10. Theraze


    Not going to show how to do the second, since that's an abomination of server hits, but the first would be something like: ashq item newit = $item[dense meat stack]; boolean[item] checkers = $items[meat stack, dense meat stack, chrome meat stack]; foreach it in checkers { craft("smith", 1...
  11. Theraze


    Well, I didn't easily see if there's any exposed value for crafting types listed in the description, so... not without either a manual list of smithables, scraping the url for each item manually, or using some exposed value (whether one that I missed, or one from a custom-exposed edition of...
  12. Theraze

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    FYI, none of the no-familiar paths avoid familiar buffs, as far as I remember. They'll avoid it when doing maximizer-based buffs, since mafia should report that they're useless, but in terms of intelligence... If/when the next no-familiar path comes along, it'd probably make sense to save an...
  13. Theraze

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    Yep. But hey, it'll help whenever you break prism.
  14. Theraze

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    Easy solution: Using a different script that's still updated. Hard solution: Modifying zlib's best_fam function to return $familiar[none] if you're in LtA. Fix everything else that's changed since 2013.
  15. Theraze

    Help with a script

    If you're doing this for free restores, then the amount that will be restored. If you're doing this for other purposes, then detect how much their mp restoration is set to and make sure you leave them more than that. Because otherwise you can end up in an evil loop that sucks up all their meat.
  16. Theraze

    Source Terminal GUI

    Hmm. Well, my dependencies don't have any line breaks, so... no clue. *shrugs*
  17. Theraze

    Vlad's Familiar Changing Frankenscript

    Yep, your only current option is combining the & with to_familiar, like so: to_familiar("Miniature Sword & Martini Guy")
  18. Theraze

    Source Terminal GUI

    Well, other scripts install dependencies just fine, unless that's broken in mafia in general sometime within the past few weeks, so... :( What's different about your script or repository that makes it sad? *sniffs and hands out tissues*
  19. Theraze

    Vlad's Familiar Changing Frankenscript

    Probably needs & or something similar, but... try it in gCLI? Just running ash $familiar[miniature sword & martini guy] should show if that's right or if you need to keep looking for the right value on that name...
  20. Theraze

    Bug - Not A Bug loginScript - set Global rather than character pref

    I suppose a question which may be obvious, but... So, when I set loginScript through the CLI, it doesn't say it's saving to character_pref. Where are you seeing that? We've had repeated comments about what you see, but not your CLI quotes to show us what you're typing or actually seeing. If...