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  1. Theraze

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    Update and see if that fixes it for you? Passes validation, but I don't have the basement unlocked currently, so...
  2. Theraze

    Universal Recovery Script

    What price/value does mafia set for mall_price when an item is only available from disabled/frozen stores?
  3. Theraze

    BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts

    How did you install BatBrain? Doing so with svn install should have added zlib, which is where that function lives...
  4. Theraze

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    Hopefully should skip any closet or uncloset command now. Let me know if you run into any further problems! Need to throw the -tie eventually, but... eh.
  5. Theraze

    String Arguments

    foreach it in get_inventory() { if (it.to_int() == <somenumber>) { do something with it } }
  6. Theraze

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    Sorry about the delay - my wife's car decided to stop charging the battery and so we got to sit in a dark sketchy apartment parking lot just off the highway for a few hours. After knocking out the eldritch fights today, I'll try to tweak aB so it doesn't abort for you anymore. :)
  7. Theraze

    bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

    1. Yes. Whomever built the beer pong bit (or borrowed it from Rinn) starts by force-throwing insults in combat. 2. Yes and no, but mostly no. If you are in casual or Myst, there are different rules that trigger. But for the most part, it's going to be your CCS with the script automatically...
  8. Theraze

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    Well, let's see if we can knock those out. If you aren't closet-ing for a useful purpose like PvP and if it makes speculation angry, we'll try to ignore your closet items. We'll also try to skip the tiebreaker so that it only skips and ignores your closet items when they would have been an...
  9. Theraze

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    Is there a reason why that's in your closet? Also, why does the script want +0 choices? Ugh. But mainly, why have that in the closet?
  10. Theraze

    Bug - Fixed Turn-costing crafting is showing up even with the "turn-free" box checked.

    Any chance we have the same KoL bug they had last year where they messed up the day where standard restrictions changed by a day?
  11. Theraze

    Feature - Implemented Expose StoreManager.priceItemsAtLowestPrice(false)

    Would the reprice/undercut command being allowed an item target offer this, or is gulaschikanone saying that the reprice/undercut behaviour has changed since it was removed from the store manager?
  12. Theraze

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    And those results were...? The issue is that Veracity points out that's a speculate message, while autoBasement scrapes your maximization results to see how speculate works given the requests made. The specifics of your maximization results (or changes to how that is presented) are causing a...
  13. Theraze

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    What does the maximizer say when you look at that window or tab?
  14. Theraze

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    Huh. Well, the word 'closet' doesn't appear in the script, so I imagine that shoptroll must have something closeted that's causing that somehow. If there's enough of the script output or maximization results for troubleshooting, I'll do it. Otherwise, this is probably an issue best avoided by...
  15. Theraze

    autoBasement.ash - Better basement automation

    Well, since the script doesn't have the word "closet" once, it seems you have something else that's causing that. You're sure that you're using autoBasement for this, not mafia's built-in basement solve, and you don't have any other scripts that might have that message?
  16. Theraze

    Feature - Implemented Adventure GUI should show number of fights, rather than adventures

    You ARE aware you can simply use the ASH command as a CLI command, right? Edit: Example follows:
  17. Theraze

    Feature - Implemented Adventure GUI should show number of fights, rather than adventures

    I think that changing the behaviour in that way would lead to mass confusion. The whole turnip example.
  18. Theraze

    Feature - Implemented Adventure GUI should show number of fights, rather than adventures

    To adventure for a specific number of fights, use adv1 in a for-loop instead of adventure. There is no utterly reliable way to predict free fights that won't be trapped by superlikelies, ultrarare, semirare, wandering monsters, and other unexpected chaos, especially that remains future-proof...
  19. Theraze

    counting invisible strings

    Was mostly suggesting that this was unlikely to lead to a change in visit_url blocking behaviours, since it doesn't meet directly reducing KoL server hits, only saves some byte traffic and CPU cycles.
  20. Theraze

    counting invisible strings

    Well, and you're comparing 1 api server hit against 1 chat server hit. So no hit-benefit there, though there may be some byte savings.