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    Changing rank of whitelisted members

    I'm trying to figure out how to change the rank of members of a clan who are whitelisted, but not currently in the clan. So far I have the following: else if( on_whitelist( name ) ) { string results = visit_url(...
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    Slime Tube Adventuring Script

    Well, it's not actually handling the combat, I just have to tell it how many rounds it will take to kill the monster in order to ensure that you will have enough hp to survive. I could add another setting, but I'd rather not clutter up the interface for something that isn't used very often.
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    Slime Tube Adventuring Script

    Well, I'm back for now and have heard a few people having problems with using consult scripts with slime.ash. I'm not entirely sure what I should do to estimate how long a consult script will take to kill the slimes, so for now I'm thinking of hard coding it to one round to kill. Anyone else...
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    Character Info Toolbox

    Got a... very odd error message in the cli today Group 1 requested, but pattern only has 7 groups (charpane.ash, line 582) I'm not sure how 1 is more than 7, but that's what it says.
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    Feature - Implemented Stop everything menu item to abort scripts invoked from the relay browser

    My experience is the same. Quirk of being a relay script, as far as I can remember. If anyone knows otherwise, let me know, I'm kinda around occasionally now.
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    Simplified basement mimic farming script

    Slyz seems to have used the wrong function in his example. "my_turncount()" should actually be "my_adventures()" in all of the while clauses. my_turncount() refers to the total turncount of your current run, where my_adventures is the current number of turns you have left.
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    Slime Tube Adventuring Script

    For anyone who cares, the server the script is hosted on might be going down for a while in the next couple of weeks, but the first post still has the latest version. Also, I probably won't be updating the script at all anymore, since I don't play anymore.
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    Bug - Fixed chatbotScripts no longer recognize channels

    The channel parameter of a chatbot script no longer seems to be passed anything, even when the message is in /clan or /hobopolis, for example. No matter where the message is, the channel parameter is ""
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    Bug - Fixed Tuesday's ruby vs timezones

    It should be as simple as a check for gar-ish right after you use the potion to ensure you actually got it before you drink, and abort if not.
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    Nemesis quest script

    "Hey, Alhifar. How's it going with that Legendary Epic Weapon? 'Cause, y'know, no pressure or anything, but it's pretty important that we get that artifact back on the double."
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    Bug - Fixed Remove certain unnecessary functions from ASH's runtime library

    The one use I could personally see using to_int(stat) in is constructing a URL for pvp with "stance="+my_primestat().to_int(). Not something I really care much about either way, but it seems easier in that case than having to make my own array.
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    Universal Recovery Script

    As always, if it's cheaper to restore mp and use a skill, it will do so
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    CanAdv -- check whether you can adventure at a given location

    I don't use canadv very often, but I'd much prefer it not spend adventures unless I'm explicitly telling it to. In this case via some sort of preference or the prep variable, doesn't make much difference to me. I'll just comment that line out if it's decided to keep it in though, so I really...
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    Bug - Cannot Reproduce Tattered scrap battleAction

    I honestly don't remember what I meant back then, but I haven't noticed any bugs like this recently, so yeah, seems Can't Reproduce would be best.
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    Modified slime.ash

    I'd recommend just using my version of the script, every feature in this one, plus quite a few more bug fixes are in my version that aren't in this version, since it was based on a (now) REALLY old version of slime.ash
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    Bug - Fixed r9933 - Unexpected error when clicking to add item to kmail

    I get the same debug log when I click the garbage collect button
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    Any Chance Of A New .EXE Please?

    My only thought is to try ftype jarfile = C:\Program Files (x86)\java\jre1.6.0_22\bin\javaw.exe -jar "%1" %* in the command line. If that doesn't work, I'm stumped.
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    Any Chance Of A New .EXE Please?

    Those two commands will tell you exactly what it is associated with, which should help us figure out why it isn't working
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    Any Chance Of A New .EXE Please?

    If you go into the command line, what does "assoc .jar" return? Also, what does "ftype jarfile" return?
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    Feature - Implemented ash my_clan()

    I'm currently using this function in slime.ash string get_clan() { string page_text = visit_url( "clan_hall.php" ); matcher m = create_matcher( "whichclan\=\\d+\">([^<]+)" , visit_url( "showplayer.php?who=" + my_id().to_string() ) ); if( m.find() ) { return 1 ); } return...