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  1. H

    Character Info Toolbox

    I haven't read back if anyone suggested this, but would you consider adding das boot to the "special items" section of the code? It's better when you have it than the bathysphere. I added it manually to mine as generic[203], but I figure for future updates it'd be nice to not have to update it ;).
  2. H

    bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker

    Aside from the manuel compatibility, are there plans to add all the missing stuff from the past few months? IotMs, outfits, familiars, etc are falling a bit behind :P
  3. H

    bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker

    I agree that a separate page or even a tab is probably best >.>. So many monsters in KoL, it'd be a scrolling nightmare crammed into the same page.
  4. H

    Universal Recovery Script

    Oh yeah I've noticed that too. Mafia doesn't recognize Devour Minions as a skill. "devour" and other fuzzy matching terms don't help either (for me at least)
  5. H

    Universal Recovery Script

    Even after updating this script, mafia keeps buying knob goblin seltzers 'just in case'. I'm not sure if it's this script or mafia in general. UR is my recovery script. I also disabled kg seltzer from the items to use for recovery but it does it anyway.
  6. H

    Universal Recovery Script

    You have to visit_url for the skill page and choose summon minion. It looks to me like yours is trying to go straight to the choice page and mafia doesn't know how to get there. visit_url("skills.php?action=Skillz&whichskill=12021&pwd="+my_hash()); (from a look at yours I guess the my_hash...
  7. H

    Universal Recovery Script

    Lure Minions in the hunger tree is actually pretty darn efficient too, at least for softcore. With sc turngen and extra item boosters (and ML for better brains) it's easy to get hordes over 100 by the end of day 2. Especially with that skullcracker skill toward the bottom of the hunger tree...
  8. H

    Universal Recovery Script

    Devour Minions seems to heal 50% of your max HP for 4 minions. More efficient than 5x bite minion. I removed tetanus with Bite Minion after getting the Devour Minions upgrade too, so the negative effects removal seems to work too.
  9. H

    Consumption History

    Here's a script I stitched together for it. I'm a noob to ash but it seems to work for me. Anyway, it should print everything you haven't drank in the last 30 days or since the current pvp season started (so basically prints what should increase your score). You can change the current pvp...
  10. H

    Character Info Toolbox

    Heh yeah I was just coming on to mention the castle -> giant's castle change too.
  11. H

    bumcheekcity's Easy Snapshot Maker

    For the Boris helm (for me) it seems to not register that I have it if it's in the (askew) position.
  12. H

    Winterbay's Helpful Automatic Monsterbasher (WHAM)

    I'm powerlevelling/candyblasting in space at the moment as a sauceror. Once the monster got weak, the script decided to bash its head in instead, which didn't work so well since I'm a myst class with a chefstave ;). Candyblast woulda killed him in time but it ran out of rounds since phys...
  13. H

    Character Info Toolbox

    Thanks Bale. Love all the shiny updates. :)
  14. H

    Character Info Toolbox

    Here's the HTML from pre-terrarium Bad Moon. Anytime I change pages within the browser, the gCLI tells me "CHIT: Compact Character Pane not supported"
  15. H

    Character Info Toolbox

    Well I'm past that point, but I also noticed it does the same thing during the special bad moon adventures too. Here's when I got the torso adventure. Edited out pwdhash just in case it's sensitive data >.>.
  16. H

    Character Info Toolbox

    I've been doing my Bad Moon loop and have noticed the charpane doesn't work until I get a terrarium.