New Content March 2019 IOTM - Vampyric Cloake Pattern

Looking at item #10241...
Unknown item found: vampyric cloake pattern (10241, 872832745)
10241 vampyric cloake pattern 872832745 cloakepattern.gif usable t 0
Item vampyric cloake pattern Free Pull

When used:
Unknown item found: vampyric cloake (10242, 894240195)
10242 vampyric cloake 894240195 cloake.gif container 0
vampyric cloake 0 none
# Item vampyric cloake: Improves the effectiveness of various Dark Gyffte skills
Item vampyric cloake Item Drop: +15, Maximum HP: +120, Initiative: +25, Adventures: +4, Experience: +3
You acquire an item: vampyric cloake

Word on the official forums is the HP bonus is scaling, potentially 10*level, and may cap at 1300 (reported by a level 256 character).

(I hope I did this right?)
Looking at item #10241...
Unknown item found: vampyric cloake pattern (10241, 872832745)
10241 vampyric cloake pattern 872832745 cloakepattern.gif usable t 0
Item vampyric cloake pattern Free Pull

When used:
Unknown item found: vampyric cloake (10242, 894240195)
10242 vampyric cloake 894240195 cloake.gif container 0
vampyric cloake 0 none
# Item vampyric cloake: Improves the effectiveness of various Dark Gyffte skills
Item vampyric cloake Item Drop: +15, Maximum HP: +120, Initiative: +25, Adventures: +4, Experience: +3
You acquire an item: vampyric cloake

Word on the official forums is the HP bonus is scaling, potentially 10*level, and may cap at 1300 (reported by a level 256 character).

(I hope I did this right?)

Can confirm the HP scaling. Am level 46 & mine looks like

10242	vampyric cloake	894240195	cloake.gif	container		0
vampyric cloake	0	none
# Item vampyric cloake: Improves the effectiveness of various Dark Gyffte skills
Item	vampyric cloake	Item Drop: +15, [B]Maximum HP: +460[/B], Initiative: +25, Adventures: +4, Experience: +3
Having the cloake equipped adds 3 combat skills (usable 10 times a day each)

from mafia
7308    Become a Wolf        -1    0    0
7309    Become a Cloud of Mist        -1    0    0
7310    Become a Bat        -1    0    0

Those skills only appear if you are a non vampyre wearing the cloake. They can be used 10 times a day (collectively), are combat skills, last 1 turn, and only 1 of them can be used per combat. They grant an inferior version of the same named vampyre skill.

Become a Wolf - Gain 1 adventure of Woflish Form (+50% Muscle and +50% Meat)
Become a Cloud of Mist - Gain 1 adventure of Misty Form (+2 Resistance to All Elements)
Become a Bat - Gain 1 adventure of Bat-Adjacent Form (+50% Item Drop)
2464	Bat-Adjacent Form	bat.gif	f3d87b2cab931ca81c9b08ffdb16a7cf
Effect	Bat-Adjacent Form	Item Drop: +50
2463	Misty Form	puff.gif	abd6b0c8dcf218f7a8ce96d6ade8300f
Effect	Misty Form	Hot Resistance: +2, Cold Resistance: +2, Spooky Resistance: +2, Stench Resistance: +2, Sleaze Resistance: +2
2462	Woflish Form	wolfmask.gif	6555961182dfaffbe6e745f610eab032
Effect	Woflish Form	Muscle Percent: +50, Meat Drop: +50
I guess that last one is misspelled...
Not sure of the best way to do this, but I've created a patch to track some of the Vampyre Cloake's usage outside of Dark Gyffte. Not related, but in this same patch is tracking of Army of Toddler usage. Someone with more experience can check over it and make sure I didn't miss anything.


Edit: Added 1 turn duration for Cloake Forms

View attachment toddler_cloake_v2.patch
Last edited:
Not sure of the best way to do this, but I've created a patch to track some of the Vampyre Cloake's usage outside of Dark Gyffte. Not related, but in this same patch is tracking of Army of Toddler usage. Someone with more experience can check over it and make sure I didn't miss anything.


Edit: Added 1 turn duration for Cloake Forms

View attachment 9268

Looks good, with the EffectPool stuff removed (it's harmless but not useful). 19140.